Image Service Services Accuracy. Stability. Support. Keep your instruments at their best with Vaisala services.
Image System Shipboard Wind & Weather Display System Display crucial marine and weather observation data via a flexible, accurate system that keeps your...
Image Service WindCube Online Training WindCube® is the most flexible and accurate wind measurement technology available, for both onshore...
Image 計測機器 TMI110 温度変換器 高精度の温度変換器であるTMI110は、HVAC自動化システムの冷却/加熱水温の計測向けに設計されています。この計測機器は迅速な応答性と正確性を備え...
Image Device Vaisala Low Level Windshear Alert System Real-time windshear detection and alerting in any weather.
Image Device Cirrus Sounding System MW51 for defense applications Portable, secure multisoundings for mission-critical weather forecasts.
Image Device Beam Weather Station BWS500 for hydromet Discover the unique combination of insights for improved local hydrometeorological awareness
Image Device Beam Weather Station BWS500 for urban and industrial systems The powerful, flexible, compact solution for weather and environmental intelligence.
Image Device Vaisala Beam Weather Station for Ports Harness the power of real-time wind and weather intelligence for your port operations with an all-in...
Image Software IRIS Focus for aviation With Vaisala IRIS Focus, you gain a superior understanding of storms, windshear and turbulence for safe and efficient take-offs and landings. IRIS Focus combines data from remote sensors including weather radar, wind lidar, lightning precision networks and other data sources like satellites to provide an interactive visualization of weather data.
Image Device WindCube Nacelle for wind-assisted vessels Performance optimization for wind assisted ship propulsion systems.
Image Device WindCube wind lidar for maritime Elevate your operations with accurate and reliable wind measurements
Image System AviMet® Windshear Alert System The system makes aviation safer by integrating the best windshear detection technologies into a...
Image Device Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP10 Get unmatched meteorological intelligence for ultimate situational awareness with your current or...
Image 計測機器 CL61 ライダーシーロメータ 一般情報 ヴァイサラ CL61 ライダーシーロメータには、通常のシーロメータによる計測値に加え、高性能な偏光解消計測機能と粒子判別機能を組み合わせた、この種として初の技術が搭載されています。
Image Device WindCube Scan for Urban & Industrial Systems 3D scanning wind lidar for long-range wind and aerosol measurements for air quality monitoring and...
Image Digital Vaisala ALARM Vaisala ALARM displays cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning information from Vaisala local lightning.
Image サービス ヴァイサラ K‑PATENTS® プロセス屈折計のメンテナンスおよび修理 ヴァイサラのメンテナンスおよび修理のサービスは、ヴァイサラ K-PATENTS® プロセス屈折率計に点検や予防保全、より包括的な修理が必要な場合のサービスです...
Image 計測機器 Indigo200シリーズ変換器:ヴァイサラスマートプローブ用 ヴァイサラIndigo200シリーズ 変換器は、ヴァイサラの湿度、温度、露点、オイル内水分、CO 2 、H 2 O 2 用スマートプローブの計測値を表示するホストデバイスです。
Image 計測機器 MHT410 オイル内水分水素温度変換器 MHT410は計測位置で動作し、変圧器の絶縁液から直接計測します。利点として、信頼性の高い水素のトレンドの計測値と水分データを迅速に検出できます。
Image Service Maintenance and upgrade services Services to secure and optimize the performance of Vaisala products and systems throughout their...
Image Device Total Lightning Processor Process multi-source lightning data in real time, improve location accuracy, and create better...
Image Digital Strike Damage Potential Accurate, reliable, near-real time lightning data that help you prioritize damage investigations to...
Image Digital Lightning Integrator An easy to integrate API that improves the accuracy of weather incident analysis systems with access...
Image Device Vaisala GroundCast Road Sensor Winter road maintenance professionals need to monitor road conditions and predict surface freezing...
Image Service Wind Energy Power Performance Testing (Update) This traditionally difficult process is simpler, thanks to WindCube nacelle-mounted lidar and a...