Port Weather
Make sound decisions with real-time, reliable weather and wind observation data, to improve port safety and cargo handling efficiency.
Minimize Uncertainty and Risk in Port Operations
The specific characteristics of your port will determine what weather and environmental factors to monitor, and where and how to do so. Accurate and reliable measurement of visibility, wind direction, and speed are critical not only when approaching the port, but also in berthing safety when large tanker operations are involved.
High winds can interfere with crane operations when you’re in the path of a storm, preventing loading and unloading. Lightning detection is important because strikes in ports and especially in oil and gas terminals can ignite potentially explosive materials or strike people. In addition, oceanographic measurements such as current, wave height, sea level, and salinity can be a critical part of your decision making.
Vaisala’s port weather solutions can address all the above, and more. Local real-time sensor data collection, display software, data storage, and hosted data management service provide real-time intelligence plus additional weather observation information and history when needed — allowing users to concentrate on minimizing downtime and maximizing the efficiency of port and maritime operations.
Service contracts are available to keep these instruments and systems up and running. In addition, Vaisala offers IMO, IALA, IEC, WMO, and ICAO compliant solutions.

Sustainable Ports
Monitor the air quality in your port, contribute to a healthy and sustainable harbor, and meet green requirements.

Managing the invisible risk
Wind mitigation solutions are logical parts of a port’s broader digital transformation process because they are easy to integrate and provide real-time situational awareness for many stakeholders.
Products and Systems

Manage Your Port’s Toughest Weather and Environmental Conditions
Why wait when Vaisala has a custom marine weather monitoring system to address your toughest challenges? Be safer and streamline your operations now.