Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500 for Ports

Plug-and-Play Weather Station

Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500


Climate change is bringing more frequent and extreme weather conditions, and ports are often the first to experience them. Accurate, real-time weather data is the key to achieving safe and efficient port operations in the face of storms, flooding and especially high winds.

Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500 provides reliable wind and weather data in a compact, scalable design for comprehensive coverage across the port area so you can keep your port operations running safely and at peak efficiency.


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Master port weather challenges with Beam Weather Station

Master port weather challenges with Beam Weather Station

With the increasing impact of climate change, extreme weather conditions are becoming more frequent, making it essential to be prepared. Ports are often the first to be affected and can experience significant disruptions due to these changing weather conditions.

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Vaisala + Unikie: A Powerful New Tool for Ports

Vaisala Beam Weather Station BWS500 hyperlocal port weather information is now integrated with the real-time situational awareness provided by the Unikie Port Flow Optimization (POLO) solution — creating a powerful new decision-making tool for ports.

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