Meetings, duties and decision-making
The Board of Directors convenes at least eight times a year and if otherwise needed. The President and CEO and the Chief Financial Officer also attend Board meetings. The other members of the Leadership Team attend Board meetings as required at the invitation of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, on the basis of the Chair’s decision, establish working groups from among its members in individual cases to prepare the matters allocated for it in order to ensure the effective organization of the Board of Directors’ work.
The Board of Directors operates in accordance with an approved written charter, published on the company’s website. Meetings may, if necessary, be held as conference calls, video meetings, or e-mail meetings. Minutes of the meetings are compiled in English, with annually running numbering. The General Counsel acts as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
A member of the Board of Directors is not allowed to participate if they are biased in that issue between themself and the company or between the company and a third party when there is a possibility to achieve essential advantage to themself, which may conflict with the company’s interest.
The members of the Board of Directors are bound by obligations related to commercial and trade secrets as well as by the restrictions and requirements of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) N:o 596/2014 (MAR) and the restrictions and obligations of Vaisala’s Insider Policy. In their decision-making and other activities, the Board and its members must act in accordance with the interest of the company and all its shareholders as well as in accordance with the principles of due care.
The Board will have a quorum when more than half of the members are present. Decisions are made on a simple majority basis, and when the votes are even, the Chair has the casting vote. When the votes for the election of the Chair are even, the Chair is elected by drawing lots.
The President and CEO is responsible for the execution of the Board of Directors’ decisions, oversees their implementation, and reports to the Board on deficiencies or problems observed during the execution.
Corporate Governance Statement 2024
Charter for the Board of Directors