eBook Collection

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Discover four core strategies to improve your power transformers' lifespan

Download this eBook and arm yourself with practical and scientific knowledge. Learn how you can protect your high-voltage assets and improve your operations through online DGA monitoring, and take better-informed decisions, on-time and on budget.

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6 strategies to optimize your Biomethane / RNG production

This eBook is a practical, highly valuable source to plant manufacturers, plant operators and decision-makers alike – anyone looking to make their upgrading operation smarter and smoother.

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Expert eGuide on measurement accuracy and calibration

This 34-page guide was written to help the readers and their organizations determine the most appropriate activities to understand when calibration is recommended and how to ensure continuously accurate measurement quality 

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Moisture in Transformers Q&A eBook

Filled with your actual questions answered by Vaisala's experts, this nearly 40-page eBook is a versatile manual for anyone whose business it is to maintain guard against and understand the effects of moisture in power transformers.

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Efficiency and sustainability for Food industry

Get smart about the latest ideas in food & beverages and the future of food production, delivery and consumption.

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Brown stock washing optimization

Did you know that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the only measurement that accounts for both inorganics and organics? Learn about this measurement parameter for Brown Stock Washing.



Food Ingredients

Stay ahead of the game and learn the best practices for sustainable food ingredients processing.



How to cut data center cooling energy consumption with accurate measurements

Download a free insider’s guide to get the best tips on cutting data center cooling energy consumption with accurate measurements.

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Measurement solutions for the life science industry

In this interactive PDF you'll find links to on-demand webinars, FAQ documents, and application notes on proven measurement solutions for life science applications.

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Refractive index for pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing

The measurement provides profound understanding of the process through continuous data collection, and without the risk of contamination. 



Liquid concentration measurement in chemical and textile fibers

Download this eBook to benefit from a general overview as well as individual case examples examining different elements of application control in the chemical and textile fiber industry.



The power of inline Brix for food and beverage applications

Did you know that inline Brix measurement can bring immediate savings?



Inline Total solids measurement for dairy fluids processing

In this eBook, we provide insights into the automation and optimization of dairy fluids processing using inline Brix and total solids (TS) measurement.



Download the eGuide: Turn On Your Bio-Engine

This eGuide will give you practical information on how to improve your biogas process with accurate measurement and control. This will result in improved profitability and lower operating expenses.

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Hydrogen peroxide vapor technical eBook

In this technical eBook you will learn the fundamental conversion formulas that pertain to hydrogen peroxide vapor. These formulas allow you to make your own calculations.

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Leveraging lidar for offshore wind energy

Around the world, offshore wind energy is gaining speed. New, reliable ways of assessing the wind are needed. Fortunately, remote sensing solutions are already proven, trusted, and ready.

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Vaisala eGuide for spot-checking and calibration

The purpose of this eGuide is to outline how spot-checking and on-site calibration activities benefit from handheld measurement devices for environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, dew point, carbon dioxide, moisture in oil and vaporized hydrogen peroxide. 

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Download Vaisala Compressed Air eGuide

Measuring small changes can add to immeasurable results in quality, safety, and efficiency.

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Make Your Job Easier with Humidity Conversion Formulas

We have created a comprehensive Technical eBook that allows you to easily acquire the essential humidity conversion formulas at your own pace. This gives you the knowledge and the know-how to carry out your own humidity conversion calculations.

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Vaisala Smart Measurements eBook: Taking action

Download Vaisala Smart Measurements eBook and get tips on how to select the right measurement instruments to ensure reliable data and a smooth process.

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SMART-Industry 5.0 – How to benefit from it?

Industry 5.0 will not be something radically new, but a logical continuum after building the most critical capabilities for smart factories, buildings and processes.

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Humidity eGuide for smart industries

Measuring humidity in industrial processes and facilities brings you energy savings and improves end-product quality. The Vaisala Humidity Measurement eGuide keeps useful knowledge material at hand.

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Moisture in oil monitoring (MiO) eBook

Get smart. Download our new eBook and get a full overview of moisture in oil. From the origins of moisture to how you can ensure you keep your machinery running optimally, look no further than this eBook.

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