Vaisala maintains project or event-specific insider lists when needed. 30-day closed window applies to the managers defined by the company before publishing Interim Reports, Half Year Financial Report, Financial Statement Release, and financial statements. The closed window ends on the day following the publication day. The closed window also applies to the persons engaged in the preparation of those reports. The managers subject to transaction notification obligations comprise the Board of Directors, the President and CEO, as well as members of the Leadership Team. The company’s legal department is responsible for insider management, training, as well as the creation and maintenance of project and event-specific insider lists and monitoring of the same.
The President and CEO, Chief Financial Officer, and/or the General Counsel, two together, can decide, based on an evaluation of the conditions set out in the Market Abuse Regulation being met, to delay the publication of insider information. When the company makes the decision to delay disclosure, a project or event-based insider list regarding the inside information will be established. Persons, to whom project or event-specific inside information is disclosed, are entered into the project or event-specific insider list.
Corporate Governance Statement 2024