Data Center Environmental Monitoring
High-accuracy measurement solutions for data centers and mission critical facilities
GUIDE: HOW TO REDUCE ENERGY COSTSSensor precision and stability - prerequisite for optimal control over cooling and air conditioning
Data centers are the brains of practically every company whose success depends on efficient and reliable software operations. With lots of powerful hardware concentrated in one place, data centers must be kept cool and safeguarded against both external and internal environmental influences. As a result, data centers consume significant amounts of energy. How can we improve their energy efficiency and PUE (power usage effectiveness)?
Measure it properly. One of the most important requirements to reduce your cooling costs is to measure the conditions properly in the first place. Your data center temperature control strategy is only as good as your measurement equipment, and even small measurement errors can increase your energy bill significantly.
Design it wisely. Can you benefit from air-side economizers or evaporative coolers, for example? Choose the right humidity parameter for the instrument, and choose an instrument designed for the measurement location in question.
Keep your instruments in good shape. All instruments need periodic checking. Choose instruments that have minimal long-term drifting and are easy to maintain, and develop a robust service and calibration plan for your data center.
Modular sensor solution for mission critical buildings
To ensure that indoor conditions are as designed and energy consumption is as low as possible, every link in this chain must be precise and reliable.
A modular solution from Vaisala takes your measurement system to a whole new level of productivity and flexibility. A modular temperature and humidity measurement solution for critical buildings can be formed by combining transmitters with optional displays and miniature measurement probes. A standard M12 or M8 connector allows transmitters and measurement probes to be chained together easily. With optional accessories, such as magnetic probe attachment units and plug-and-play cables, installation is even easier.

The sensor requirements of data centers
There are good opportunities for energy efficiency in 40% of data center energy demand; the majority of which comes from a data center’s cooling and air-conditioning systems. In common with all good process efficiency measures, effective energy management relies on the availability of accurate, reliable, continuous monitoring data. So, for data centers, what must be measured? and where?
Data center innovation webinar
Data center innovation: How to design a modular high-quality sensor solution
Designing data center measurement solutions can be simplified when you know the most critical factors affecting the outcome. Risks can be mitigated, and cost-efficiency can be greatly improved with a needs-based approach.
During this free 45-minute webinar our expert Anu Kätkä will take you through data center trends, benefits of measurement accuracy and designing a modular sensor solution for a data center. See the agenda and register.

Achieve maximum uptime
As the demand for data rises, so does the expectation level for data center uptimes. Keeping your data center cool is crucial to maintain uptime at a high level, and accurate HVAC measurements can help you do this.
Optimize conditions indoors by measuring conditions outdoors
Data center cooling can be achieved in a variety of ways, depending on the location and the local climate. Refrigerant cooling consumes a lot of energy, but consumption can be optimized by taking local climatic changes into account. WXT530 series weather transmitters can help to optimize conditions indoors. they are easy to integrate with your data center's control system.
For reliability, consistency and accuracy
Critical environments require high-performance environmental monitoring and measurements to operate consistently and within specifications. As data centers are expected to run 24/7 all year round, failures are not an option. Even small measurement errors can increase the energy bill significantly. Reliable sensors do make a difference.
Easy to maintain
High Accuracy & Stability
Factory calibrated
A complete measurement solution from Vaisala
Data centers need high-performance climate control to ensure that critical equipment and networks are kept up and running. Inadequate temperature and humidity control can lead to extensive – and expensive – equipment failure. When you need high-quality monitoring solutions for your data centers, contact Vaisala.

Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMT120/130

Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMW110

Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD110

Immersion Temperature Transmitter TMI110

Duct Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMD60

Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101

Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110

HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP113

Jade Smart Cloud

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