Respecting resources drives responsible business

It's clear that the world needs better resources efficiency, but finding the best way forward isn't always so obvious. Vaisala is driving the way forward, to inspire and empower our customers and partners to make a difference.
In the air, on the ground and inside buildings, our measurement instruments and intelligence help our customers navigate the delicate balance between costs, the environmental impact, and other critical considerations
By enhancing the efficiency of industrial processes, Vaisala boosts productivity while minimizing material usage, saving energy, and reducing waste. We also contribute to energy efficiency in smart buildings, providing precise indoor air measurements to optimize heating and cooling.

Our road weather solutions are vital to the transport sector. For example, in winter de-icing, Vaisala enables real-time assessments that keep traffic moving. Our intelligence is used in the sky too, helping aviators to plan efficient routes that keep fuel consumption to a minimum.
In power generation, we support smart electricity grids with lightning-detection networks and condition monitoring of power transformers. Vaisala’s measurement instruments and precision weather forecasts enable energy producers to anticipate and respond to changes in demand.