Air Quality
Rely on air quality and weather intelligence solutions tested around the world for accurate observations and proven performance.
Detect top-priority pollutants across cities and industries with AQT560
AQT560 is a compact air quality sensor for measuring gasses and particles. The sensor excels in accurately providing PM1 concentrations for sources primarily influenced by combustion (such as traffic, residential wood burning, and wildfires), PM2.5 concentrations dominated by long-range transport, and PM10 concentrations driven by abrasive processes (such as road dust, sandstorms, construction, and mining).

Webinar: See the air like never before with AQT560
Join our LiveCast as air quality measurement experts introduce Vaisala Air Quality Transmitter AQT560 — providing the accuracy and reliability you need with easy deployment and integration, all in a compact package.
Complete Air Quality Insight
Air quality is an essential factor in creating smarter, healthier communities. And air quality is always connected to the weather. Because of this, air quality measurements are much more valuable if they are accompanied by real-time data about wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, and other factors that directly affect pollution and its travel. This is why Vaisala allows customers to integrate our next-generation air quality sensors with versatile, reliable weather sensing solutions.
With Vaisala’s exceptional products grounded in science and innovation, communities can now combine enhanced air quality measurements with weather intelligence for the complete package. The right access to the right information allows people to connect deeper to their environment and new ways of thinking about business and community.

Air Quality Monitoring Applications
New air quality and weather intelligence innovations are changing the way we make decisions about our communities. Our air quality monitoring solutions allow you to measure the most critical pollutants in urban environments — all in real-time — so that you can actively inform citizens, increase awareness, and decrease the effects of pollution. Applications include:
- Providing Environmental Protection Agencies with air quality, weather, and high-quality air resolution monitoring.
- Supporting smart lighting pole manufacturers and integrators with new technology.
- Facilitating air quality and weather monitoring equipment for smart city traffic management.
- Helping city infrastructure and outdoor media companies with visibility into air quality and weather insights.
Products and Systems
Success stories

Ready to learn more?
Ready to see how Vaisala’s sensing technology can be put to work for you? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our industry experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.
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