Offshore Wind

Purpose-built and ready

Offshore is wind energy’s new frontier, with governments and investors around the world making significant commitments to expand beyond land. But with this increased enthusiasm come high stakes: In harsh, distant environments, wind developers and operators need the world’s best technology and complete environmental awareness.

Anchored by the WindCube lidar suite, Vaisala’s offshore portfolio provides the flexibility and accuracy required for many purposes, from wind resource assessment, pre-construction, and contractual power curve testing to permanent wind monitoring, research and development, and turbine testing and control.

Our related sensors and data services further enhance the power of WindCube, providing a one-stop, comprehensive solution offering unlike any other. With this range of capabilities, seamless integrations, and global trust, Vaisala is the go-to resource for maritime build-up anywhere on the globe.

Key benefits for offshore include:

  • Safety, compliance, and speed for offshore build-up, turbine installs, and maintenance operations
  • Competitive advantages for ambitious developers and operators looking to seize global demand for offshore wind energy
  • Versatility and ruggedness for the harshest marine environments and delicate operations
WindCube Offshore

eBook: Leveraging lidar for offshore wind energy

Offshore wind farms are full of potential, but they also bring a new set of challenges. Ready to obtain precise wind data offshore? Get the eBook.

Discover the lidar solutions helping advance offshore wind energy. Already proven, trusted and ready, they can go everywhere they are needed.

Incredibly accurate. Widely deployed. For every scenario.

Discover the lidar solutions helping advance offshore wind energy. Already proven, trusted and ready, they can go everywhere they are needed.

Get eBook

It's Time to Take Wind Energy Ever Higher

Vaisala is ready to talk about your wind project and how we can make it better. Contact us today. We’ll give your project the fresh air it needs.

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