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ILDC/ILMC 2020 Archive - Abstracts only

The conference has been cancelled due to COVID-19

A Comprehensive Climatology of NLDN CG Lightning Flashes in the CONUS
A Detailed Analysis of Lightning Deaths in the United States from 2006 through 2019
A modified K-Means method to evaluate location accuracy of lightning networks based on video data
A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system for the mobile launcher 1
A summary of direct and close nearby ligthning strikes
Aerosol Effects on Lightning Characteristics over the South China Sea
African Centres for Lightinng and Electromagnetics Network ACLENet Progress Report
Analyses of Ground Truth Positive Flash Data and Corresponding Lightning Location System Performance
Analysis of Clear-Air Lightning using the KMA Operational LINET System
Analysis of Clear-Air Lightning using the KMA Operational LINET System
Analysis of Lightning Activity Variations over Papua New Guinea
Analysis of location errors of the NLDN using lightning strikes to towers
Analysis of the Certified Lightning Fatalities and their Relation with the Rainy Seasons in Colombia
Application of Electromagnetic Time Reversal to Lightning Geo-Localization Recent Advancements
Application of the US National Lightning Detection Network
Assessing the Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation for Improving Very short-range Forecasts
Application of Electromagnetic Time Reversal to Lightning Geo-Localization Recent Advancements
Assessment of the EUCLID System on the Basis of Various Current Pulses
Assimilation of merged NLDN GLD360 and GLM lightning data
Calibration and Assessment of Broadband VHF Interferometer Systems
Characteristics of Lightning Strikes Distribution over the Korean Peninsula
Characteristics of the Parent Lightning of Sprites Observed in and Around Florida
Characterizing Lightning Activity Across the Caribbean
Cloud to Ground Lightning Activity in Colombia using the GLD360
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning During Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Michael (2018)
Comparison of Far Electric Field Waveforms
D Region Tomography A Technique for Ionospheric Imaging
Designing a precision VLF detector with low cost components to enable high density networks
Development of Lightning Location Technology for Low-Frequency E-field Detection Array
Comparison of Far Electric Field Waveforms
Development of Trend Analysis Techniques for Aviation and Range Operations Weather Hazards
Discharge processes during downward TGFs at the Telescope Array in Utah
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning During Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Michael (2018)
Earth Networks Lightning Network Performance
Effectiveness of Dissipation Array Systems (DAS) to prevent direct lightning strikes
Empirical Determination of VLF Propagation Parameters in the Earth Ionosphere Waveguide Using GLD360
Environmental, kinematic and microphysical conditions leading to anomalous and normal polarity storms
Evaluation for the tall object Lightning Detection Ability
Evaluation of M Components in Natural Cloud to Ground Lightning
FY-4A LMI Observed Lightning Activity in Super Typhoon Mangkhut 2018
Geostationary Lightning Mapper Storms
Global Lightning Climatology Estimates using Peak Current Distribution Observations
Ground level observations of energetic photons associated with lightning
Ground-Truth Instrumentation and Data to Evaluate MERLIN s Tall Structure Detection Efficiency
Guidelines for Airport Ramp Closures Due to Lightning
Human Lightning Casualties Related to Fishing and Tending Animals
Influence of the Canton Tower on Lightning Flashes in its Vicinity using Optical Observation Data
Inner-core Lightning and Vertical Structures associated with Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change
Insights from Geostationary Lightning Mapper Gridded Products
Interactions between the Ionosphere and High Altitude Lightning Observed through GNSS
Investigation of Lightning Mass Casualty Incident at Mongoyo School, Uganda
Is the Occurrence of Superbolts Influenced by Solar Weather
Lightning An Essential Climate Variable and Community Perspective
Lightning An Indicator of Gravity Wave Generation
lightning behavior during two major flooding events in 2019 in the Houston Metropolitan Area
Lightning Characteristics in Relation to Hurricane Intensity
Lightning characteristics of typhoon Faxai and typhoon Hagibis observed by Tokyo LMA
Lightning Geolocation Using V-POTEKA Lightning Observation Network
Lightning in winter observed by the JLDN
Lightning Induced Challenges for Industry in General Power Plants, Manufacturing Facilities, etc.
Lightning Monitoring Detection and Location for Critical Facilities
Lightning Observation Project at INPE Brazil
lightning observations from the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space station (ISS)
Lightning Warnings using
Locating Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strikes to the Forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Maximum Month and Hour of Lightning around the Globe
Meteorological context of lightning detected over the Arctic Ocean in summer 2019
Model Study on the Formation of the Charge Structure
Modeling and Analysis on the Influence of Electrode Configuration in Simulated Lightning Strike Tests
Nowcasting Potentially Severe Thunderstorms
Nuevo sistema integral de protección contra las descargas atmosfericas
Observation of VHF events occurred with lightning
Observations of positive lightning flashes using Cordoba Marx Meter Array
Observing ground TGFs with the Telescope Array Surface Detector in correlation with IBPs
On the current and electromagnetic fields of Compact Cloud Discharges
One Strike, You're Out! A Preliminary Look at Lightning Surrounding MLB Stadiums
Optical observation results of negative GC-type strokes
Optimizing the Lightning Warning Radii at Spaceport Florida
Performance of GLD360 During the Anak Krakatau Explosive Event of December 2018
Performance validation of ground strike point algorithms
Predicting the Unique Lightning Climatology of Central Arizona
Randomizing Lightning Strike Locations Demonstrates Geological Control of Strike Locations
Reassessment of NFPA 780 versus IEC 62305-3 Requirements for Installations in the United States
Recent Results Obtained at the Lightning Observatory in Gainesville, Florida
Resolving Needles and Fine-Scale Lightning Processes with 100-200 MHz VHF Interferometry
Should the evaluation of lighting environment matter when we are making conservation guidelines
Simulating the energetic impacts of lightning
Solar Induction of Mid Ocean Ridge Circuits Lightning Tells The Story
South Africa
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Lightning Activities over Pakistan During 2001-2014
Statistics on the occurrence of continuing current in cloud to ground lightning flashes
Status and Future Plans for Total Lightning Training in the NOAA National Weather ServiceWS
Striking Back Against U.S. Lightning Deaths
Supercharging lightning data with distributional regression
Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Energetic Intra-Cloud Lightning in Northeast Colorado
TETRA-II ground level observations of energetic photons associated with lightning
The Detection of Optical Lightning Superbolts by the FORTE Satellite
The First Lightning Research Infrastructure in Uganda
The Initial Test Deployment of a 2nd-generation Broadband VHF Interferometer System
The Johannesburg Lightning Laboratory
The Mechanics of Lightning
The Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA) Deployment
The Shocking Impact of Lightning on America s Space Program in Florida
The Western Mediterranean thunderstorms climatology
Time versus distance analysis of lightning activity for some lightning accidents in Austria
Toward a Determination of the Extent of Lightning-ignited Forest Fires in the Caribbean
Towards the use of lightning for tropical cyclone intensity prediction 1
Transient Response of Surge Protective Devices
Upward Leader Currents Measured at the KSC Industrial Area Tower
Using Elves Recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory to Study Argentinian Superbolts
Using the GLD360 to provide accurate lightning statistics
Using volcanic lightning to monitor eruption plume development during explosive volcanic eruptions
Vaisala Charge Transfer overview and initial validation
Variability and trends of lightning flashes in future climate change scenarios
Why does the Santis Tower have the Highest Observed Number of Fast Pulses per Flash

ILDC/ILMC 2018 Archive

Please note that not all authors submitted a final paper for publishing.

Lightning Physics 1

Ground Level Observation of Gamma-ray Showers in Coincidence With Downward Lightning Leaders_R. Rabbasi et al.pdf
Characteristics of Lightning Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes in Various Geographical Regions_B. Mailyan et al.pdf

Tower-initiated Lightning

Upward Lightning Triggering Study_T.A. Warner et al.pdf
Striking Distance Determined from a New Criterion_S. Visacro et al.pdf
Denoising CN Tower Lightning-generated Magnetic Field Return-stroke Signals_N. Ouarda and A. Hussein.pdf

Meteorology & Severe Weather 1

Radar Reflectivity Associated with the Enveloped Eyewall Lightning_C. Vagasky.pdf

Lightning Protection

Power Loads Fast Transfer and Control of Dynamic Lightning_N. Wang et al.pdf
Adoption of IEC 62305 as the Basis for One Major U.S. Electric_G.T. Brandon.pdf
Using Genetic Algorithms in Designing Substation Lightning Shielding_P. Sarajcev et al.pdf

Lightning Physics 2

An Electrostatic Model of Bidirectional Leader Observed_M.D. Tran and V.A. Rakov.pdf
Analysis of the Charge Distribution and Leaders_C. Schumann et al.pdf
Relationship between aerological stability and charge amount of upward lightning_M. Saito and M. Ishii.pdf
Luminosity Characteristics of the CN Tower Lightning Flash Components_I. Sra and A.M. Hussein.pdf
On the Propogation Mode of Upward Positive Leaders_M. Guimaraes et al.pdf
Self-initiated Versus Nearby-lightning-triggered Upward Flashes_G. Diendorfer et al.pdf

Meteorology & Severe Weather 2

Environmental Conditions Producing Thunderstorms_D.R. MacGorman et al.pdf
Evaluating the Efficacy of Electrical Field Mills to Predict Lightning Events_D.E. Hill et al.pdf

Lightning Detection and Observations

Recent CIGRE Work on Lightning Parameters_V. Rakov.pdf
A Detailed Look at the Performance Characteristics_D. Zhang et al.pdf
Extreme Values of Lightning Parameters_A. Smorgonskiy et al.pdf
D Region Ionospheric Imaging Using VLF LF Broadband Sferics_J. McCormick and M.B. Cohen.pdf
Recovery of Valuable Incompletely-recorded Return-stroke_L. Perera and A.M. Hussein.pdf
Interferometric Radio Imaging of the Initiation and Propagation_S.A. Cummer et al.pdf

Lightning Climatologies

Characteristics of Lightning Activity in Japan_A. Sugita and M Matsui.pdf
An Analysis of Lightning Activity at Santis Tower_A. Mostajabi et al.pdf

LLS Technology & Performance Evaluation 1 & 2

Evaluating GLM in South America_C.A. Morales et al.pdf
Comparison and Characterisation of ATDnet_S.-E. Enno et al.pdf
BrasilDAT Dataset Combining Data from Different Lightning Locating Systems_O. Pinto Jr. and I.R.C.A. Pinto.pdf
Toward Lightning Mapping with Long-baseline LF Networks_M.J. Murphy and R.K. Said.pdf
Evaluation of systematic location error of GHMLLS_W. Lyu et al.pdf
Broadband VHF Interferometry withing the Kennedy Space Center_M.A. Stanley et al.pdf
Device for Lightning-current Measurement with Remove Access_L. Araujo et al.pdf

Applications of Lightning Data

A Hertzsprung-Russel Approach for Taxonomy_A. Friend and K. Dudley.pdf
Lightning Impacts on College Football Games_R.L. Holle and K.W. Flanagan.pdf
Visualizing Geostationary Lightning Mapper Data_S.D. Rudlosky and M.J. Peterson.pdf

ILDC Posters

Advances in the RaioSAT Project Detecting Lightning from Space Using a Nanosatellite_K.P. Naccarato et al.pdf
Comparison of Two Cloud-to-ground Stroke Datasets – Vaisala and WSI_K. Gray et al.pdf
Development of a Lightning Location System Based on Electromagnetic Time Reversal_M. Rubinstein et al.pdf
Comparison of Data from the North Georgia Lightning Mapping Array and the GOES-16_J. Trostel et al.pdf
The Added Value of Geostationary Lighting_M.J. Peterson and S. Rudlosky.pdf
Analysis of Intra-cloud Pulses Detected with Low Frequency Lightning Locating Systems_S. Pedeboy et al.pdf
Python in Lightning Detection Network Data_P. Sarajcev and H. Matijasevic.pdf

ILMC Posters

Forecasting Lightning Initiation Using Dual-Polarization Radar and the Lightning Mapping _S.A. Olsen et al.pdf
Forecasting Lightning Cessation Using Dual-Polarization Radar and Lightning Mapping Array _N. Holden et al.pdf
Spatial characteristics of lightning relative to supercell kinematics and microphysics_S.M. Stough et al.pdf
Evaluation of thunderstorm warnings in Belgium_D. Poelman et al.pdf
An Analysis of the Lightning Jump Algorithm Using Geostationary Lightning Mapper Flashes_N. Curtis et al.pdf
ENSO Related Interannual Lightning Variability from the Full TRMM LIS_A. Clark and D. Cecil.pdf
Monthly GLD360 Lightning Percentages by Continent_R.L. Holle et al.pdf
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Malawi Lightning in January 2017_L. Kalindekafe et al.pdf
Volcanic lightning as monitoring tool during 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Volcano AK_C.M. Smith et al.pdf
Lightning flash density in Europe on the basis of 10 years of ATDnet data_S.-E. Enno et al.pdf
Lightning Fatalities and Injuries in Bangladesh from 1990 through 2017_R.L. Holle et al.pdf
African Centres for Lightning and Electromagnetics Network ACLENet_M.A. Cooper et al.pdf

ILDC/ILMC 2016 Archive

Invited Papers

Edward Mansell et al. Using Model Storms to Simulate Lightning.pdf

Xiushu Qie et al. Study on Dynamic-Microphysical-Electrical Processes in Severe Thunderstorms.pdf

Lightning Physics

Manh Tran and Vladimir Rakov. High-speed Video Observation of Bidirectional Leader.pdf

Ye Tian et. al. Characteristics of a Bipolar Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flash.pdf

Christopher Biagi et al. On the Spatial Structure of Electric Fields.pdf

Marcelo Saba et al. Lightning Attachment Process to Common Buildings_M. Saba.pdf

Michael Oblinski et al. Photo of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Showing Multiple Upward Leaders.pdf

A. Chilingarian. Lightnings and Particle Fluxes from Thunderclouds.pdf

Jonathan Hill and Carlos. Mata. Comments on Recent Observations of Faintly Luminous Formations.pdf

Miguel Guimaraes and Silverio Visacro. On the Features of a Dart-Stepped Leader.pdf

Paul Krehbiel et al. NBEs and Lightning Initiation.pdf

Takeshi Okuda. Burst of High Energy Radiation from Lightning Discharge.pdf

Tower-Initiated & Rocket Triggered Lightning

Carina Schumann et al. Characteristics of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Triggering Upward Flashes.pdf

Daohong Wang et al. Bi-directional Discharges Occurring at the Tip of Dart Stepped Leaders.pdf

Gaopeng Lu et al. Bursts of Magnetic Pulses from Upward Positive Leader.pdf

Gaopeng Lu et al. Characterization of Initial Current Pulses in Rocket-Triggered Lightning.pdf

Mohammed Azadifar et al. Simultaneous Current and Distant Electric Field Waveforms.pdf

Yanan Zhu et al. Unusual Electric Field Waveforms Produced by Negative Lightning Strokes.pdf

​Safety & Warnings: Casualty Distributions

John Jensenius, Jr. A Detailed Analysis of Lightning Deaths in the US.pdf

Richard Tushemereirwe et al. The Most Effective Methods for Delivering Severe Weather Early Warnings.pdf

Ron Holle. Number of Documented Global Lightning Fatalities.pdf

William Roeder. Changes in U.S. Annual Lightning Fatalities from 1990-2015.pdf

Meteorology & Severe Weather

Dong Zheng et al. Characteristics of the Two Active Stages of Lightning.pdf

John Trostel et al. North Georgia Lightning Mapping Array - June 24, 2015 Microburst Case Study.pdf

Lan Tao et al. Characteristics Analysis of a Nocturnal Bow Echo.pdf

Ron Holle and Martin Murphy. Lightning Over Three Large Tropical Lakes.pdf

Stephane Pedeboy et al. First Results on Severe Storms Prediction Based on the French LLS.pdf

Tatiana Kudrinskaya et al. Experimental Studies of the Behavior of the Electric Field.pdf

Xiaoyuan Yi et al. Evolution of the Four Heavy Rainfall Cells Structure.pdf

Donald MacGorman and Elizabeth DiGangi. Lightning in Secondary Convection.pdf

Dongxia Liu and Xiushu Qie. Radar and Lightning Observations of a Supercell Storm.pdf

Evan Ruzanski and V. Chandrasekar. An Investigation of Radar-Derived Precursors to Lightning Initiation_E. Ruzanski.pdf

Greg Lucas et al. Variability of Surface Electric Fields.pdf

Wenjuan Zhang et al. Characteristics of Lightning Activity in Tropical Cyclones.pdf

Continental/Global LLS Performance

Amitabh Nag et al. Update to the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network.pdf

Daile Zhang et al. Evaluation of the National Lightning Detection Network Upgrade Using the Lightning Imaging Sensor.pdf

Dieter Poelman et al. Determining Lightning Outliers Based on Belgian Radar Data to Evaluate the Performance of EUCLID.pdf

Ryan Said and Martin Murphy. GLD360 Upgrade Performance Analysis and Applications.pdf

Sven-Erik Enno et al. ATDnet Detection Efficiency and Cloud Lightning Detection Characteristics.pdf

Maikihisa Saito and Masaru Hill. Attenuation Effect of Lossy Ground.pdf

​Lightning and Wind Turbines

Alexander Smorgonskiy et al. On the Estimation of the Number of Upward Flashes From Wind Turbines.pdf

Stephan Vogel et al. Lightning Attachment Estimation to Wind Turbines.pdf

Meteorology: Numerical Modeling

A. A. Bulatov et al. A Nowcasting System for Lightning/Thunderstorms in the Upper Volga Region.pdf

Fei Wang et al. Spatial Relationship between Non-inductive Charging Region and Updraft.pdf

Rosangela Barreto Biasi Gin et al. Atmospheric Parameters and Lightning Flash Activity Case studies.pdf

Lightning Occurance

Akiko Sugita and Michihiro Matsui. Lightning Occurrence Characteristics in 2015 in Japan.pdf

Jianhua Dai et al. Characteristics of the Distribution-Initiation-Motion-and Evolution.pdf

Richard Orville and Gary Huffines. Global Warming Is the Annual Lightning Strike Maximum Migrating to Higher Latitudes.pdf

Ron Holle and Ken Cummins. Seasonal Lightning Distributions over North America.pdf

LLS Technology & Performance Evaluation

Dongshuai Li et al. Location Accuracy Evaluation of ToA-Based Lightning Location Systems.pdf

Jonathan Hill et al. Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of MERLIN and NLDN.pdf

Kleber Naccarato et al. Total Lightning Flash Detection from Space.pdf

Wolfgang Schulz et al. Relationship Between Average Number of Sensors and Detection Efficiency.pdf

Yanan Zhu et al. Study of NLDN Responses to Cloud Discharge Activity.pdf

Yijun Zhang et al. Performance Characteristics of the LLS of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau After the Upgrade in 2012.pdf

Weital Lu et al. Total-sky Lightning Channel Imager.pdf

Yongming Zhang et al. On the Value of Using a 3-axis EB Vector Sensor.pdf

Yongming Zhang et al. Small UAV Airborne Electric Field Measurements.pdf

Mingyuan Liu et al. A Short-Baseline Lightning VHF Location System in SHATLE.pdf

Zhu Baoyou et al. The Jianghuai Area Sferic Array_.pdf

Utility & Forecast Applications of Lightning

Bob Kochtubajda et al. Lightning and Weather Associated with the Extreme 2014 Wildfire Season.pdf

Chong Tong et al. Application of Real Time Lightning Detection for Smart Gird Distribution Systems.pdf

Fred Elmendorf. OSS Tools for Automated Event Analysis and Lightning Data Correlation.pdf

Paul Sopko et al. Spatial Products Available for Identifying Areas of Likely Wildfire Ignitions.pdf

Richard Gamble and Theo Laughner. Lightning Studies To Improve Power Quality.pdf

Safety & Warnings

John Jensenius, Jr. NOAAs Lightning Safety Awareness Efforts.pdf

Lyn Mainwaring et al. Lightning Safety Efforts in Canada 2009 to 2015.pdf

Martin Murphy and Ryan Said. Preliminary Analysis of Lightning Warnings in and near the Rocky Mountains.pdf

Ron Holle. Lightning-caused Deaths and Injuries in Agriculture.pdf

Stephane Schmitt. Thunderstorm Warning Systems - Why Lightning Detection Networks Should be Considered.pdf

ILDC/ILMC 2014 Archive

​​​ILD​C Papers

Keynote Presentation

From Frogs to a National Network

Lightning Physics

Optical Evidences of the Inception Mechanisms of Natural Bipolar Cloud-to-Ground Lightning

Sensitive Measurement of Lightning Current and Charge Motion Using Coherent Averaging of Low Frequency Magnetic Field Observations

Analysis of Forked Strokes Characteristics over Southeastern Brazil During the Summer Season of 2013

Oceanic Storm Characteristics off the Kennedy Space Center Coast

Estimates of Recoil Leaders Peak Currents Based on High-Speed Video Observations

An ELF Signal Associated with a Positive GC Lightning Event in Winter

Tower-Initiated & Rocket Triggered Lightning 

Recent Measurements and Results Obtained at Morro do cachimbo Station

An Intrinsic Fiber-Optic Sensor for Structure Lightning Current Measurement

Characteristics of Upward Flashes in Brazil

LLS Technology & Data 1

The Need for an International Standard on Lightning Location Systems

Performances of the Lightning Ground Contacts Detection Algorithm Based on LLS Data

LLS Technology & Data 2

An Update on the Performance Characteristics of the NLDN.pdf

EUCLID Located Strokes to the Gaisberg Tower - Accuracy of Location and its Assigned Confidence Ellipse

Comparison of Directly Measured Current and JLDN Data Associated with Lightning Strokes Hitting Tokyo Skytree (R)

Lightning Interaction with Wind Farms

Overview of the Kansas Windfarm2013 Field Program

Meteorological Aspects of Two Modes of Lightning Triggered Upward Lightning (LTUL) Events in Sprite-Producing MCSs

Technology Enhancements

​Recent Evolution of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network

Enhanced Cloud Lightning Performance of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network Following the 2013 Upgrade

Evaluating Location Accuracy of Lightning Location Networks Using Tall Towers

Utility & Forensic Applications of Lightning

Closing the Gap - Using Open Source Software to Make the Connection Between Lightning and Power System Data

Research on Experiment of Lightning Nowcasting and Warning System in Electric Power Department of HeNan

Examining the Lightning Polarity of Lightning Caused Wildfires

Regional LLS Performance

Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS and NLDN Based on Two Years of Ground-Truth Data from Launch Complex 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Evaluation of the New LS7001 Network in the Chubu Region of Japan after Site-Error Corrections

An Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of the Guangdon-Hongkong-Macau Lightning Location System

Continental/Global LLS Performance

​Validation of the EUCLID LLS During HyMeX SOP1

Calibration of the GLD360 Against Rocket-Triggered Lightning Data.pdf

Method to Improve Location Accuracy of the GLD360

Evaluating Ground-Based Lightning Detection Networks Using TRMM/LIS Observations

Comparison of GLD360/Meteorage over France

Six Years of Sferics Timing and Ranging NETwork - STARNET: A Lightning Climatology over South America

ILMC Papers​

Lightning Protection

Three Essentials of Lightning Protection: Bonding, Grounding and Surge Protection

Field Performance Assessment of Wind Turbine Lightning Protection Systems

The Dynasphere ESE Air Terminal: Issues Deserving Consideration

Climatology 1

Three Years of Lightning Impulse Charge Moment Change Measurements in the United States

Factors Affecting Lightning Behavior in Various Regions of the United States

The Frequency of Lightning Activity in Hokkaido as Observed by the JLDN from 2000 to the Present

Lightning Activity in Mesoscale Convective Systems Associated with Different Synoptic Situations over Southern​ South America

Meteorology & Severe Weather 1

Determining Hurricane Formation in the Eastern North Pacific Using the Global Lightning Dataset 360 and the Long-Range Lightning Detection Network

Tropical Cyclone Lightning Related to Polarimetric Radar Variables

An Analysis of Lightning Holes in Northern Alabama Tornadic Storms Using a Lightning Mapping Array and Dual-Polarization Radar

Electrification of Multicell and Supercell Convection Related to Polarimetric Radar Data

Polarimetric Radar Analysis of Lightning in an MCC Event on June 15, 2013

Safety & Warnings: Casualty Distributions

​Lightning Fatalities in Colombia from 2000 to 2009

Mapping Lightning Fatality Risk

A Detailed Analysis of Recent Lightning Deaths in the United States

An Update to Predicting the Number of U.S. Annual Lightning Fatalities

Characteristics of Lightning Casualties and Vulnerability Evaluation Regionalization in China

Safety & Warnings: Safety 1

Backcountry Lightning Risk Management

The Visual Identification of Lightning-Producing Thunderstorm Clouds

NOAA's Efforts to Reduce Lightning Fatalities through Public Education and Awareness

Meteorology & Chemistry Applications

Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Lightning in Multicell Convection Over Alabama During DC3

Analysis of Ground Network Lightning Data Relative to OTD/LIS to Derive Flash Rates for Use in Determining Lightning NOx Production from Satellite Observations

Lightning NOx Production Per Flash Based on OMI NO2 Observations and Ground Network Lightning Data

New Architecture of SCALAR Information System

Operational Applications of Real-time Lightning Data

Coordinated LMS, Balloon-borne Electric Field, and Polarimetric Radar Observations of a Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, FL

Climatology 2

A European Lightning Density Analysis Using 6 Years of ATDnet Data

Development of a Total Lightning Climatology for Oklahoma Using the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array

The Characteristics and Nowcasting of CG Lightning Activity During the Spring and Summer Season over Hainan Island, China

Safety & Warnings: Safety 2

Backcountry Lightning Risk Reduction - Lightning Crouch Versus Standing with Feet Together

Ground Current Lab Exercise

Meteorology & Severe Weather 2

Analysis of the Development and Structure of a Severe Storm Leading to the Spawning of a Tornado in Southeast Brazil

Lightning Activity Associated to Amazonian Coastal Squall Lines: A Case Study

Observations of Turbulent Kinematics and Lightning-Inferred Electric Potential Structure in a Severe Squall Line

Safety & Warnings: Aviation

Lightning Warning with NLDN Cloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Data

Implications of Lightning Data Uncertainty on Personnel Safety and Operational Efficiency Decisions

Establishing Cause and Effect Relationships Between Lightning Flash Data and Airplane Lightning Strike Damage

Meteorology: Numerical Modeling

Forecasting Lightning Activity by Using an Explicit Charging and Discharging Scheme in WRF-ARW

Predicting Lightning, Heavy Precipitation, and Damaging Winds for a Mesoscale Convective System Case Over Southern Brazil

The Comparison and the Analysis of the Simulation Results of Two Thunderstorm Cells and a non-Thunderstorm Cell

Study of the Correlation between WRF Output Variables and Total Lightning Data in Southeastern Brazil​​

ILDC/ILMC 2012 Archive

ILDC Papers

Atmospheric Physics

Upward Lightning in Brazil

Different Strokes: Researching the Unusual Lightning Discharges Associated with Sprites and Jets and Atypical Meteorological Regimes

Presence of Continuing Current in Negative Cloud-to-Ground Flashes

High-Speed Video and Electric Field Observations of Type Beta-2 Leaders in Negative Lightning: A Manifestation of Recoil Leaders Initiated Inside the Cloud

Detection Technology

Analysis of Multiple Ground Contacts in Cloud-to-Ground Flashes Using LLS Data: The Impact of Complex Terrain

Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and NLDN Using Ground-Truth Data from Launch Complex 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Recent Work on the Georgia Tech High School Field Mill Project

RAMMER Network Observations During Summer 2011 / 2012

Network Performance

Performance Evaluation for Lightning Location System Based on Observation of Artificially-Triggered Lightning and Natural Lightning Flashes

The NLDN Performance Characteristics: An Update

Four Dimensional Lightning Surveillance System

Performance Characteristics of Three Distinct Lightning Detection Networks Covering Belgium

Meteorological Examples of GLD360 Events

Positive Polarity: Misclassification Between Intracloud and Cloud-to-Ground Discharges in the Southern African Lightning Detection Network

Evaluation of the New LS7001 Network in the Chubu Region of Japan

Future Expansion of the Lightning Surveillance System at the Kennedy Space Center and the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, USA


A Comparative Wavelet Analysis of the Power Quality Indexes and Lightning Activity

Risk of Lightning Strikes on Tall Transmission Line Towers in Amazon Region

Tower Studies

Triggered Upward Lightning from Towers in Rapid City, South Dakota

Characteristics of Upward Leaders from Tall Towers

Location Accuracy Evaluation of the Austrian Lightning Location System ALDIS


Three-Dimensional Characteristics of Winter Lightning Discharges in the Shonai Area, Japan 

Three Unusual Upward Positive Lightning Triggered by Other Nearby Lightning Discharge Activity

Electric Field Waveforms of Upward Lightning Forming Hot Spots in Winter in Japan


ILMC Papers


A Brief History of Lightning Safety Campaigns in the United States


Recent Studies of Lightning Safety and Demographics


Utilizing a Lightning Safety Toolkit for Outdoor Venues


Employee Safety and the Role of Lightning and Open Pit Mines in Peru, Tanzania, the Dominican Republic and the USA


A New High-Quality Lightning Fatality Database for Lightning Safety Education.pdf


A Review of NOAA's Lightning Safety Awareness Campaign and the Impact It Has Produced Across the United States


A Statistic Model for the Inter-Annual and Intra-Annual Fatalities from Lightning in the U.S. and Comparison to Other Storm Phenomena


Fourteen Points to Lightning Safety


Meteorological Case Studies of Lightning Strike Victims in Colorado 


Is an Open Field Actually Safer from Lightning than a Forest?


The Use of Polarimetric Radar Data in Determining Lightning Cessation



An Analysis of Overshooting Top Lightning Mapping Array Signatures in Supercell Thunderstorms

Characteristics of Lightning Activities in the Hailstorm Using the Data from Two Types of Lightning Detection Systems

Lightning Activity in a Hail-Producing Storm Observed with Phased-Array Radar

Evaluation of an Improved Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) Algorithm Based on DBSCAN Clustering and JPDA Tracking Methods


GLD360 Lightning Observations in Relation to the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Lightning Distribution and Eyewall Outbreaks in Tropical Cyclones During Landfall


The Meteorology of Thunderstorms that Produce Positive Sprites, Negative Sprites, or Cloud-to-Ground Lightning with Large Charge Moment Changes

Lightning Characteristics in Japan Observed by the JLDN from 2001 to 2010

The Sensitivity of the Thunderstorm Activity in the City of Sao Paulo to Temperature Changes: Predicting the Future Activity for Different Scenarios

Lightning Climatology of South Africa with a Special Focus on Lightning Risk Maps

Spatial and Temporal Homogeneity of Lightning Archive

Lightning Climatology for the State of Colorado

Diurnal Variations of NLDN Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in the United States

Protection and Risk

The Canadian Lightning Risk Display 

Lightning Warning and Risk Analysis for Human Life Protection in Brazil

Colorado High Altitude Lightning Protection A Case Study at 10th Mountain Hut

Determining the Lengths of Lightning Strokes Near Kennedy Space Center

The Lightning Information as Part of the Risk Prevention Market

Identification of the Multiple Ground Contacts Flashes with Lightning Location Systems

Lightning Safety of High Consequence Facilities and Products

Lightning Detection and Lightning Protection at Military Explosives Storage Facilities


Examining the Lightning Characteristics of Several Types of Storms Using the Georgia Tech DBSCAN Based SCIT Algorithm

Research on Experiment and Evaluation of Lightning Nowcasting and Warning System

Exploitation of Lightning Data for Rain Estimation by Multi-Sensor and Cross-Platform Approach

Observational Analysis of Merge Process and Lightning Activity in a Multicell Hailstorm on West Seacoast of Bohai Bay


A Service Generator to Increase Value of the Global Lightning Data Real Time Stream

Influence of Initial Conditions on Lightning Forecasting Using the WRF Model

ILDC/ILMC 2010 Archive

ILDC 2010

Atmospheric Physics 
Does the average downward speed of a lightning leader change as it approaches the ground? – An observational approach
Electromagnetic fields induced by lightning striking a perfect and imperfect conductive surface
Estimates of the Lightning NOx profile in the vicinity of the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array
Comparison of VHF source characteristics for a single-stroke, negative CG flash with continuing current to those for nearby CG and IC flashes
High peak current in long continuing luminosity of positive flashes: A case study
On the variability of lightning characteristics over thunderstorm lifecycles
The discrimination and characteristics of continuing current in positive CG flash in Beijing
M-components or cloud-to-ground subsequent strokes?

Detection Technology
Validation of Vaisala’s Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360) over the continental U.S.
Validation of the new GLD360 dataset in Brazil: First results
The Four Dimensional Lightning Surveillance System
The effect of changes in lightning waveform propagation characteristics on the UK Met Office long range lightning location network (ATDnet)
The Georgia Tech high school field mill project

Protection And Risk
A method to estimate the probability that any individual lightning stroke contacted the surface within any radius of any point

Tower Studies
Keynote Presentation - LLS performance validation using lightning to towers 
Influence of the CN tower on the lightning environment in its vicinity
Effect of tower initiated lightning on the ground stroke density in the vicinity of the tower

Network Performance
Analysis of the geographical configuration of a lightning detection network and its influence in the accuracy of lightning location
The effect of different configurations of the Brazilian lightning detection network on the cloud-to-ground lightning spatial distribution
The CATS software to increase value of the Global Lightning Data
Compact intracloud discharges: On estimation of peak currents from measured electromagnetic fields
Location accuracy improvements using propagation corrections: A case study of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network
Revisiting lightning data of large peak current negative flashes observed by the Brazilian Lightning Location Network
Using the Gaussian-based confidence ellipse provided by lightning location systems to create more reliable lightning density maps
Comparison between high-speed video recordings of lightning and the detections of the Catalan Lightning Location Network (XDDE)
Data storage system for LS7001/LS8000 lightning location networks
A new analysis method could locate a faulty or noisy directional sensor in a lightning location network
Lightning reporting at 45th Weather Squadron: Recent improvements

Energy Applications
Lightning detection improvement FALLS brought to Eskom’s Transmission line design

Detection efficiency of Tohoku IMPACT sensor network in winter

ILMC 2010

Assessing relations between changes in tropical cyclone intensity and lightning patterns using GIS based methods
Convective variability in the North American Monsoon using cloud-to-ground lightning data and high-resolution satellite precipitation data

Monthly distributions of U.S. NLDN cloud-to-ground lightning
Cloud-to-ground lightning in Canada: 1999-2008
Analysis on the spatio-temporal distribution characteristic of cloud-to-ground lightning in Hubei Province
Lightning distributions in winter observed by the JLDN
Cloud-to-ground lightning in Yukon, Canada during a season of extreme wildfire activity

Lightning-caused casualties in and near dwellings and other buildings
Lightning fatalities in Brazil in the last decade
Lightning casualties and damages in China from 1997 to 2009

Wind intensity reconstruction over Italy through LAMPINET lightning data
Comparison of forecasting methods in preventive lightning protection – a case study
Use of lightning data to improve observations for aeronautical activities
GLD360 airport lightning warnings

Characteristics of decaying storms during lightning cessation at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
An improved Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) algorithm based on DBSCAN clustering and JPDA tracking methods
Research on experiment and evaluation of lightning nowcasting and warning system
Exploring a physically based tool for lightning and radar in severe and non-severe storms

Lightning activity and charge structure of microburst producing storms
Research on “jumps” characteristic of lightning activities in a hailstorm
A simulation of electrification and lightning in a supercell storm using EnKF to assimilate doppler radar observations
A contrast study on the characteristics of the cloud-ground lightning and the surrounding conditions in two typical intense convective weathers occurred in Hubei province
The use of an improved SCIT algorithm to investigate lightning characteristics of several severe weather episodes in North Georgia

Keeping wind farm crews safe
Application of lightning detection in intelligent electric power distribution network

Total lightning information: An operational perspective
A method to identify the better WRF parameterizations set to describe lightning occurrence
Evolution of the experimental/automated perfect prog lightning forecasts at the Storm Prediction Center
Using timelines of GPS-measured precipitable water in forecasting lightning at Cape Canaveral AFS and Kennedy Space Center
Analysis of forecast performance for hit, miss, and false alarm thunderstorm events during ROCS

Lightning safety procedures for the public
Mechanisms of lightning injury should affect lightning safety messages
School lightning safety policies – A look at an incident at the Ocoee schools in Orange County, Florida
How lightning safety practices differ in wind energy, sports and construction applications
Backcountry lightning risk management
Lightning injury continues to be a public health threat internationally

ILDC/ILMC 2008 Archive


Detection Technology

An overview of cloud-to-ground lightning research in Brazil in the last two decades

Potential use of a Bayesian network for discriminating flash type from future GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data

A lightning flash as seen by video, Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array, the National Lightning Detection Network and the Los Alamos Sferics Array

The main advances and the most common misleading applications related to lightning location system data

Estimation of charge during a lightning flash using electric field measurement


Modeling and calibration of Vaisala's operational long range lightning detection network

Observing lightning around the globe from the surface

Network Performance

A method to determine relative stroke detection efficiencies from multiplicity distributions

The third generation relative detection efficiency model for the Brazilian lightning detection network (BrasilDAT)

VHF total lightning mapping network in Tucson: Very first data acquired

Protection & Risk

Research and application of active lightning protection technology

A low cost lightning protection system and its effectiveness

Human Impacts​

Lightning situation in Romania

Recent updates in lightning safety

Recent advances in understanding the neurobehavioral aspects of electrical injury

Annual rates of lightning fatalities by country

Lightning Kills – Play It Safe -- NOAA’s continuing efforts to educate the public on lightning and lightning safety

Distribution of lightning injury mechanisms

Short notice outdoor lightning risk reduction - evaluating its performance and discussion on why it should not be taught

Atmospheric Physics

Propagation effects caused by stratified ground on electromagnetic fields of return strokes

Detailed storm simulations by a numerical cloud model with electrification and lightning parameterizations

Characteristics of vertical e-field waveforms associated with return-strokes on southeastern sea of Kyushu in Japan

Properties of negative cloud-to-ground lightning from high speed video observations in Arizona, USA and São Paulo, Brazil

The use of impulse charge moment changes to predict sprites in mesoscale convective systems

Utility Applications

A multi-power line corridor and lightning error ellipse spatial processor for real-time correlator

Support system for outages caused by lightning evaluation (SAAD)

High Current

Critical analysis of LLS detected very large peak current lightning strokes

About the peak currents above 300 kA observed by lightning location systems

Large current lightning flashes in Canada: 1999-2006

Large peak current cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in southeastern Brazil

Safety Warning Systems

Total lightning, electrostatic field and meteorological radar applied to lightning hazard warning

An empirical lightning cessation forecast scheme at the Cape Canaveral Air Station and the Kennedy Space Center

Cloud-to-ground lightning warnings using electric field mill and lightning observations

Analysis of surface electric-field contours in relation to cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in air-mass thunderstorms at the Kennedy Space Center

Lightning safety research requirements

Special Session Honoring Dr. Krider & ILDC 20th Event

Comparison of the KSC-ER Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS) and the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)

Wide-area soil moisture estimation using the propagation of lightning generated low-frequency electromagnetic signals

Positive leader characteristics from high-speed video observations

Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning in the Great Plains

Wave shapes of continuing currents from negative and positive cloud-to-ground flashes observed in southern Arizona

Classification of small negative lightning reports at the KSC-ER

Observations of cloud-to-ground lightning in the Great Plains


Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity in Romania from 2003 to 2005
Relationship of Transient Upper-Level Troughs to Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability
Dependence of CG Lightning Density on Altitude Soil Type and Land Surface Temperature in South of Brazil
Dynamical-Statistical Models for Lightning Prediction to 48-hr over Canada and the United States
Rainfall Field Reconstruction Over Italy Through LAMPINET Lightning Data
VHF Total Lightning Mapping Data Use for Thunderstorm Nowcasting at Weather Forecast Offices
Analysis of Inner Core Lightning Rates in 2004-2007 Atlantic and East Pacific Tropical Cyclones
Lightning Climatology of South Africa - First Two Years of Operation
Lightning Data Assimilation using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
Severe Winter Thunderstorm in Poland Case Study
Update to the Lightning Probability Forecast Equations at Kennedy Space Center
Lightning and Electrical Structure of a Heavy-Precipitation Supercell Storm During TELEX
Lightning Detection System for Nowcasting Applications in Santa Catarina State Brazil
Analysis of Cloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Winter Precipitation
Total Lightning in a TLE-BEARING Winter Thunderstorm over the Western Mediterranean
About Sensitivity of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity to Surface Air Temperature Changes
Total Lightning Radar and Satellite Observations of Two Monsoon Thunderstorm Events
Lightning Studies at Florida State University
The Greensburg Miracle - Where There is Life There is Hope
Examples of Winter Lightning Observed by the JLDN
Assimilation of Lightning Data Using a Diabatic Digital Filter Within the Rapid Update Cycle
A Forecast Cloud-to-Ground Lightning System Based on a Neural Network