Glass manufacturing quality through moisture control
Measure dew point in blanketing atmosphere with Vaisala DRYCAP® sensor technology
During the plate glass manufacturing process, molten glass is very sensitive to moisture and is typically run under blanketing atmospheres where moisture is carefully monitored. The higher the quality of the glass, the more essential accurate moisture control becomes.
Dew point measurements are often made in harsh conditions with high temperatures and volatile chemical vapors. Due to the unique design of Vaisala’s DRYCAP® sensor, it is immune to most chemical contaminants found to offgas from this process.
DRYCAP technology tackles contaminants
DRYCAP is based on two innovations: the proven capacitive thin-film polymer sensor and the auto-calibration function. The sensor is heated at regular intervals during the automated auto-calibration procedure. The humidity and temperature readings are monitored as the sensor cools to ambient temperature, with offset correction compensating for any potential drift. This enables the DRYCAP sensor to deliver accurate measurements in demanding processes such as glass manufacturing, dramatically reducing the need for sensor maintenance.

Instruments for measuring dew point in glass manufacturing

Dew Point Probe DMP6

Dew Point and Temperature Probe DMP7

Dew Point and Temperature Probe DMP8

Insight PC Software

Indigo80 handheld measurement device

DMP80 DRYCAP® Handheld Dew Point and Temperature Probes

Indigo500 Series Transmitters