Beverage Bottling Process with Carbon Dioxide Monitoring

Measuring carbon dioxide in the soft drinks Industry

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is added to soft drinks during the bottling process to give the drink its fizz. While the soft drink containers are being filled during the bottling process, large volumes of CO2 are emitted from the fillers into the filler room atmosphere. If the filling rooms and the work areas are not adequately ventilated, CO2 can accumulate in the indoor air. 

CO2 is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that poses a potential risk to human health in high concentrations. As high concentrations of CO2 are clearly hazardous, most countries, including the USA, have set workplace exposure limits. CO2 level should be monitored to avoid CO2 accumulation.

In the United States, OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor) requires the average exposure limit of CO2 to remain at, or below, 5,000 ppm during an eight hour working shift. Occupations where carbon dioxide can rise to dangerous levels include brewing and carbonated drink industries.

Therefore, it is necessary to measure carbon dioxide reliably in bottling plant environments. Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probes GMP251 and GMP252 provide a well-founded solution for this measurement need. Due to the long-term stability and reliability, the lifetime cost of the sensor makes CO2 monitoring easy and economical.

Safe levels of CO2 in the workplace

A major soft drink manufacturer has successfully used Vaisala’s CARBOCAP ® technology in their bottling plant.

Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe GMP251 accurately and reliably monitors the levels of CO2 in the filler room. When CO2 levels pass 4,900 ppm, an exhaust fan system is activated to remove the CO2 from the filler room. The fans turn off once the level returns to 1,000 ppm.

Why Vaisala? 

Vaisala has a long history of quality products and reliable services. Vaisala’s CO2 measurement is based on a unique CARBOCAP® technology with a built-in true reference measurement that enables long-term stability and ensures reliable measurement. The products require minimal maintenance and calibration. 

Benefits of a reliable CO2 measurement 

Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probes require little or no maintenance, which saves time and makes it a low cost solution. At the same time, the probes offer accuracy and reliability of measurement even in the most demanding applications.

Beverage bottling related products

Indigo520 with probe

Indigo500 Series Transmitters

The Vaisala Indigo500 series transmitters are host devices for Vaisala Indigo-compatible, stand-alone smart probes. The Indigo500 series include multi-functional Indigo520 transmitter and Indigo510 transmitter with basic features.
Vaisala Insight Software gives quick access to the configurations and data of the Indigo family measurement probes and other supported devices.

Insight PC Software

Vaisala Insight PC Software gives quick access to the configurations and data of the Indigo family measurement probes and other supported Vaisala devices.

HMP60 Humidity and Temperature Probe

HMP60 is a simple, durable and cost-effective humidity probe suitable for volume applications, integration into other manufacturers' equipment, incubators, glove boxes, greenhouses, fermentation chambers and data loggers.

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