Indigo200 Series Transmitters

for Vaisala smart probes

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Indigo200 Transmitter for smart probe sensors

Modular transmitters for Indigo probes

Vaisala Indigo200 series transmitters are host devices for displaying measurement values from interchangeable Vaisala smart probes. Indigo200 transmitters send measurement data to automation and control systems through analog signals, Modbus RTU communication, or relays.

The Vaisala Indigo200 series includes the Indigo201 transmitter with three analog outputs (mA or V) and the Indigo202 transmitter with RS-485 and Modbus RTU outputs. Indigo202 transmitters include a display panel for local data visualization. Display is optional in the Indigo201. All Indigo transmitters include button navigation for easy configuration. The transmitters provide multiple options for measurement probe connectivity, supply voltage, and wiring.  

Plug-and-play transmitters for convenience

Indigo200 series transmitters feature plug-and-play probe installation for current and future Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes. Probes can be connected directly to the transmitter, or extended with a cable between Indigo200 and the probe.

Easy installation and access to data

For easy access to configuration and monitoring options, Indigo200 can be connected to Vaisala Insight PC software using the USB port on the transmitter. The host device and the probes can be both be configured using Insight software, which also provides options for viewing measurement data and diagnostics.


One transmitter, many parameters

Simply change transmitter probe units to change measurements. The Indigo200 series transmitters are ideal for humidity, temperature, dew point, moisture in oil, carbon dioxide, and vaporized hydrogen peroxide measurements.

Cable or direct connection

Flexible probe placement

Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes can connect directly to the host transmitter as an integrated probe, or with a cable between transmitter and probe for versatile probe positioning.


Reduced downtime with easy connectivity

The plug-and-play design of the Indigo200 reduces downtime with fast, easy probe swap capabilities for calibration and maintenance.

“Before we had the Vaisala probes we used other sensors, but they measured H2O2 vapor only and didn’t measure moisture. With our old sensors, we sometimes saw a high concentration of H2O2 vapor, and sometimes not. I knew it had something to do with the humidity. With the Vaisala probe, it’s much easier to manage processes, especially in high humidity."

Jos van Daal, Van Veldhuijzen

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Indigo ecosystem

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Indigo Selector


Indigo Selector

Discover your best Indigo configuration

1. Basic Settings


Measured parameters

  • Handheld humidity and temperature probe HMP80N , for portable spot-checking and data logging
  • Indigo80 handheld indicator, for portable measurements with compatible probes

2. Your Indigo combination

Customize on the right. For more options contact sales.

  • Handheld humidity and temperature probe HMP80N , for portable spot-checking and data logging
  • Indigo80 handheld indicator, for portable measurements with compatible probes

3. Modify your combination

Probe 1

Probe 2


  • Indigo80
Transmitter Probe Cable: 1 m

Select ui.

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