Lead acid battery manufacturing

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Lead acid batteries are the most used rechargeable batteries in the world. Lead chemistries are used in combustion engines as an SLI battery, emergency lighting systems, power tools, and also in low-speed electric vehicles, such as scooters, forklifts, and golf carts.

Lead acid batteries use lead and sulfuric acid as their main components. Lead is the negative electrode and lead oxide the positive electrode. Both electrodes are immersed in an electrolytic solution of sulfuric acid and water. Vaisala offers measurement solutions to monitor sulphuric acid concentration and optimize curing chambers for battery plates.

Sulfuric acid concentration 

Sulfuric acid H2SO4 is used to activate the lead elements of the lead battery to get the power effect. Acid is prepared by mixing with water. Correct acid concentration levels are critical to ensure the successful power activation effect of the lead-acid battery.
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Optimizing curing chambers for lead acid battery plates

In industrial-scale manufacturing, batteries are dried and cured in curing chambers to create even quality products with the expected capacity and long lifecycle. The key parameters in curing chambers are relative humidity (RH) and temperature. The RH in drying chambers during the curing process is high and requires accurately controlled water, steam, and hot, dry air injections.

Vaisala’s Indigo520 with HMP7, the relative humidity and temperature probe offers a fast response in conditions with high humidity and rapidly changing humidity conditions. Utilize chambers to the full and decrease downtime in production.

  • The Indigo520 offers visualized information on drying chambers allowing fast decision-making and rapid response 
  • Quality plates and optimized permeation 
  • Optimized natural gas and water consumption 
  • Probes with vapor and pressure-proof construction 
  • Connectivity to PLC with MODBUS RTU RS-485


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