AviMet® Windshear Alert System


years of experience


countries served annually


aviation systems delivered globally

Customized, Powerful, Dependable, and Sustainable Windshear Technology

The Vaisala AviMet Windshear Alert System increases aviation safety and efficiency during airplane take-offs and landings. It detects and delivers crucial information about the windshear effect and its unpredictable changes in wind speed and direction in a timely manner, alerting you immediately when and where windshear occurs and when the threat is over.

The AviMet Windshear Alert System customizes and merges a combination of X-band weather radar, wind lidar, and Low Level Windshear Alert Systems (LLWAS) to gather the decision-making data airports need and deliver alerts based on this data.

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Windshear aviation ultimate guide

Get the ultimate guide to windshear in aviation

Download our ultimate guide for an overview on the science and characteristics of windshear, the most advanced technologies available, and best practices for choosing and siting a windshear detection system.

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