Wind Energy Development
Highly accurate, bankable, cost-effective solutions for ensuring project success during prospecting, construction, and commissioning.
Insights for today and tomorrow
Anchored by the legendary WindCube lidar suite, Vaisala’s wind development technologies are highly versatile, cost-effective over long service lives, and trusted around the world.
Vaisala solutions are ideal for standalone measurement campaigns, as well as for addressing measurement gaps and uncertainty left by legacy met masts and wind modeling. Similarly, our fully integrated data services provide the rich history, forecasting, and background insights leaders need to act decisively, protect valuable assets and personnel, and ensure project success.
Key benefits in wind development include:
- Reduced uncertainty, improving financing and protecting profitability, from onshore complex terrain to remote offshore
- Revolutionary data quality and suitability for tomorrow’s turbines Increased uptime and safety for assets and personnel
- Simplification of burdensome processes, such as WRA
- Informed, data-driven turbine selection and wind farm layout
- Integration of historical data and excellent forecasting for big-picture visibility

Data you can bank on
Wind developers face consistent pressures to prove a projects viability and bankability, which is one more reason why they turn to Vaisala — the recognized leader in this industry and others. Our lidars and related solutions have been exhaustively tested, accepted by all relevant international standards and guidelines, and proven over hundreds of deployments worldwide.
WindCube lidar provides a complete profile of the wind, reducing the need for extrapolation and other error-inducing factors, and unlike met masts, compact lidar units can be deployed quickly (without long permitting delays) and easily moved or repurposed for further measurement campaigns.
WindCube Complex Terrain Ready Offering
Expand your possibilities with world-class technology and comprehensive support
The wind industry is expanding into more complex terrain as land in simpler terrain becomes less available.
Since wind flow isn’t uniform in complex terrain, modeling technologies ensure the data is accurate, reliable and bankable. Our WindCube Complex Terrain Ready offering gives you precise data in all types of complex terrain.

Why Remote Sensing is the New Standard in Wind Energy
This detailed ebook explains how lidar works, why it is such a valuable tool for wind energy, and why WindCube® is the most trusted lidar solution out there.
Wind Lidars
Digital Services
It's Time to Take Wind Energy Ever Higher
Vaisala is ready to talk about your wind project and how we can make it better. Contact us today. We’ll give your project the fresh air it needs.