Vaisala Supplier Day 2023

Vaisala Supplier Day 2023

Welcome to Vaisala Supplier Day 2023!

We are excited to announce that Vaisala Supplier Day is back for the third time. It will take place on 10 October 2023 at 08.30 at Clarion Aviapolis, Vantaa, Finland. This is a unique opportunity to connect with Vaisala and other suppliers, learn from experts, and share your ideas.

Vaisala Supplier Day celebrates the collaboration and partnership between Vaisala and its suppliers. Our suppliers are one of the key factors affecting our success. We value your contribution to our business, and we want to support your growth and development. That’s why this year’s theme is growth and sustainability.

You will hear from inspiring speakers from Vaisala and beyond, who will share their insights and experiences on how to grow your business in a sustainable way. You will also participate in interactive workshops where you can exchange best practices, learn new skills, and network with other suppliers.

The highlight of the day will be the announcement of the winners of our Supplier Awards. These awards recognize the outstanding performance of our suppliers in various categories.

Hope to see you in October!

-    Hannu Tamminen, Sourcing Director


Welcoming words


Hannu Tamminen

Growth, scalability and sustainability – Vaisala story


Kai Öistämö

Weather and environment update


Jarkko Sairanen

Industrial measurements update


Sampsa Lahtinen

Vaisala operations – growth plans


Vesa Pylvänäinen

Questions for Vaisala management and audience



Supplier speech - Stera growth story


Jussi Ohlsson 

Supplier award






Vaisala sustainability  


Marjo Hietapuro 

Keynote speakers - Developing sustainable business


Riikka Paarma, Antti Meriluoto

Sustainability award, Quality award



Vaisala & EcoVadis - Program launch


Hal Ifticen, Hannu Tamminen

Coffee and discussions







Closing of the day





Kai Öistämö, President and CEO

Kai Öistämö

Kai Öistämö
President and CEO

Kai Öistämö, President and CEO of Vaisala, will talk about Vaisala's strategy and sustainable growth.

"Climate change requires everyone to act, presenting us with both challenges and opportunities to make an impact for the planet and simultaneously drive growth. We are confident that by working together with our dedicated suppliers and partners, we can make a positive difference for the future."

Jarkko Sairanen

Jarkko Sairanen

Jarkko Sairanen, Executive Vice President, Weather and Environment Business Area, Vaisala, will talk about business strategy and growth.

"In the Weather and Environment Business Area, we highly value cooperation with our suppliers, who are enabling us to deliver high-quality products to our customers. We request that sustainability will be a priority for our partners, as we strive to ensure environmental responsibility, social equity, and economic efficiency in our operations."

Sampsa Lahtinen is the Executive Vice President of Vaisala Industrial Measurements.

Sampsa Lahtinen

Sampsa Lahtinen, Executive Vice President, Industrial Measurements Business Area, Vaisala, will talk about growth and introduce some newly launched products. He will highlight how these products can help customers to improve their efficiency, safety, and quality.

“Our growth over the past years would not have been possible without our suppliers, who provide us with high-quality components that meet our high standards. As we continue to seek growth, we want our suppliers to be able to scale up to help us to meet reliably the needs of our markets."

Vesa Pylvänäinen

Vesa Pylvänäinen

Vesa Pylvänäinen, Executive Vice President, Operations, Vaisala, will talk about factory capacity investments enabling growth and smart factory development. He will share how Vaisala has increased its production capacity to meet customer demands and to support its global growth strategy. 

“Over the last years, we’ve expanded our production capacity and we plan to continue our investments to future growth. As we’ve been growing actively and invested in our capabilities, we also expect similar growth ambition from our key partners.”

Marjo Hietapuuro

Marjo Hietapuro

Marjo Hietapuro, Sustainability Manager, Vaisala, will talk about the importance of sustainability.

“To understand and manage our sustainability impacts, we need to look beyond our own operations and consider the whole value chain. This means working with our suppliers to tackle complex challenges such as lowering the carbon footprint of our products and ensuring human rights in the long supply chains.”

Jussi Ohlsson

Jussi Ohlsson

Jussi Ohlsson, President & CEO, Stera Technologies Oy, will give a partner's view on growing the business and the company.

“The company’s growth is based on close and long-term cooperation with key customers, as well as the courage to invest and ensure the development of the professional competence of its personnel.”

Riikka Parma

Riikka Paarma

Riikka Paarma, Partner, Strategy and Transactions – Lead, Nordic Sustainability, EY, will talk about developing sustainable business.

“Sustainability in the business context is fundamentally about future-proofing companies. Given the ongoing and only accelerating sustainability transformation of societies, sustainable business is becoming a precondition for any growth and success. The bar for sustainability is being set higher and higher, but innovative companies can still gain a competitive advantage by being part of creating the new, more sustainable normal.”

Antti Meriluoto

Antti Meriluoto

Antti Meriluoto, Partner, EY, will talk about developing a sustainable business.

“Sustainability is a new source of competitive advantage and the biggest driver of transformation. Sustainability is rapidly shifting from a report-led discussion to a value-based narrative. If you aren’t already thinking about how you are creating a long-term human, social, and environmental value, now is the time.” 

Hal Iftice

Hal Ifticen

Hal Ifticen, Account Manager, Northern Europe, EcoVadis, will introduce EcoVadis.

“At EcoVadis, we aim for a more sustainable world where companies carry values that enable fairer and more responsible practices. Beyond regulations and compliance, I see sustainability as the new lever for a flourishing world and a new differentiator that will be a deal breaker in every future and current business decision.”