Try IRIS Focus
Want to see how Vaisala IRIS Focus works?
Just request login credentials to the demo by submitting the form and you'll have access to the following features within minutes:
- Real-time data from Vaisala’s Kerava weather radar located in Finland
- Sample data sets from other parts of the world
- Multiple display options
- Rich set of analysis tools
- Automated weather warnings and alerts
- Automated short term forecasting predicts
- Available languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian
You'll get the details and instructions by email after form submission.
Follow software's built-in step-by-step tutorials and interactive tool tips. You'll see how easy it is to use the Vaisala IRIS Focus software.
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How can I use IRIS Focus on a hand-held devices?
Language translation and localization is available. The IRIS Focus user interface and help documentation is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian. The user interface layout has been optimized for these languages. Each user of IRIS Focus may select their preferred language, thus it is possible to support multiple languages within an organization. Translation to additional languages is available upon request.
How can I use IRIS Focus on a hand-held devices?
IRIS Focus is a weather radar data display available in common web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Therefore, IRIS Focus could be used from a hand-held mobile device. However, we have not optimized the user interface for the smaller screens or pixel resolutions on hand-held devices. IRIS Focus is best viewed on a computer screen having 1600 x 1200 pixels.
Will there be regular updates to IRIS Focus?
Vaisala plans to release a new major update on a yearly basis during this the complete IRIS Focus modernization plan. IRIS Focus is the replacement for IRIS Display and completely overhauls the data display interface for an exceptional user experience. Future releases will be geared towards the Radar Product Generator algorithms to either modernize the existing IRIS Analysis or add new functionalities not yet performed by the legacy IRIS products.
I have an older version of IRIS. What do I need to do to get this new version?
IRIS Focus requires the purchase of the licensed software from Vaisala. We have the capability to provide this software on a computer server from Vaisala which will interface with your existing IRIS software in which to obtain the radar data. It is also possible to purchase a license from Vaisala and download your own copy of the software for installation onto the computers of your choice. In such a case you will also be shipped a USB memory stick containing a second copy of the software and a Quick Start Guide. The price of IRIS Focus varies depending on how many simultaneous individuals you expect to use the software at any one time. For more information, please contact your Vaisala Sales Manager or Representative.
Does this new IRIS Focus offer any additional functionality versus the older IRIS or is it just prettier?
The IRIS modernization effort was based on the most common customer feedback received on the previous version of our weather radar software. This feedback could be summarized as: a) too complex to use, needing a high degree of customization and too much training, b) the visual appearance was outdated and unappealing c) it was only available on Linux which limits accessibility. However, on the flip side customers considered IRIS Display to be an advanced, reliable, and feature-rich application. Thus, we chose to focus on the areas that needed improvement and modernization, and would add value to our customers.
IRIS Focus replaces IRIS Display. There was concentrated effort during development to create a user-centric experience. We wanted users to discover how to use the product intuitively and not need special training. To get to this level of usability we visited several of our customers to observe how they used weather radar software products. We built prototypes and tested usability by having individuals with broad backgrounds try out the prototypes. Through this process we developed built-in tutorials and context sensitive help information to aid in understanding. We are very proud of the advancement in usability that has been made with IRIS Focus, including the new modern look and feel.
But even with this attention to usability, we were able to sneak in some new features such as:
a) Ability to perform curved cross sections of radar volume data.
b) Multi-panel display to view up to four data products, synchronized in geographical domain and time.
c) The ability to control the hue and luminosity in color scales, making it easy to design a color scale that present the data in an unbiased manner, even to those having color-impaired vision.
d) Support of multiple languages.
There are many more great features of IRIS Focus. Ask us the demo logins and try it out for yourself!