In the Eye of the Storm
Ancient cultures tried to explain the then unexplainable forces of nature by thinking that they were a result of godly intervention. Especially lightning was a reminder to our ancestors of what it means to be mere mortals that have deeply angered the gods.
Luckily, we know today that a storm is a disturbance in our planet´s atmosphere effecting especially its surface. Usually, it is caused by two colliding fronts. However, there are many types of storms, and they all have certain special features such as strong winds, tornadoes, hails, thunderstorms, snowstorms, rainstorms, ice storms, tropical cyclones, windstorms, and hurricanes. Albeit they all differ from each other, they still have something in common.
They can be measured. And predicted.
Why Predicting Storms is Important?
Many hazardous weather events such as storms, strong winds, tornadoes, hails, thunderstorms, snowstorms, rainstorms, ice storms, tropical cyclones, windstorms, and hurricanes can cause serious damage on property and cause fatalities.
Tropical cyclones at sea often cause shipwrecks. Strong (up to more than 120 mph) straight-line winds associated with thunderstorms knock down trees, power lines and destroy buildings and vehicles. Hails can damage cars and windows, aircrafts, and kill livestock caught out in the open.
When it is your job to keep operations running efficiently, protect assets, or ensuret the safety of people when severe weather approaches, you need easy access to timely and accurate information in order to make right decisions at the right time.
You can rely on our data in your decision-making.
Understand Storms for Better Decicion-making
Weather radar data is a critical component to weather forecasts that gives meteorologists the situational awareness they need to understand the full scale of storms. Through the use of IRIS Focus's multi-panel display, storm tracking and cross-section tools, meteorologists can analyze storm growth, structure, and movement. IRIS Focus is the next-generation weather radar software designed for the professional meteorologist to assist in more accurate precipitation estimation and classification, as well as earlier weather watches and warnings.
Better understanding of how lightning behaves in hurricanes should ultimately provide forecasters with better tools to predict hurricane behavior - and that's where Vaisala's Global Lightning Detection Network comes in. In the past, forecasters and researchers have had only limited access to lightning information in hurricanes. Hurricanes spend much of their lives over the ocean. Until recently, lightning detection was largely limited to the land. This is no longer true - Vaisala's global network, the Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360), can reach over huge distances, detecting lightning across continents and oceans with a precision previously unavailable.

IRIS Weather Radar Software Suite

Global Lightning Dataset GLD360

Thunderstorm Manager
Vaisala in the Eye of a Storm

Hurricanes Bring Wind...and Lightning

Hurricane Impact Mitigation Requires Accurate Data
How Does Using Dropsondes in Hurricanes Build Weather Ready Nations?
Join Vaisala and the NOAA Hurricane Hunters to explore how dropsondes are used and their role in improving forecasts to build Weather Ready Nations. Topics covered include:
- What is a dropsonde
- How are dropsondes deployed
- What data is collected from dropsondes in a hurricane
- How does that data contribute to hurricane track and intensity forecasts