17:10-17:30 Mauri Vapola: Efficient runway condition assessment and reporting to achieve optimal air traffic flow
ICAO has developed a globally harmonized methodology for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions, generally referred as “Global Reporting Format (GRF)” or “Runway Condition Report (RCR).” The methodology originates from the TALPA Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) initiated by the FAA.
The main goal is to improve the safety of operations by reducing the risk of runway excursions of aircrafts, enabling the flight crew to determine the performance for take-off and landing more accurately than earlier. The related new ICAO requirements will come into force on Nov 5, 2020.
At the same time, assessing and reporting the runway conditions more thoroughly may have impacts on the overall throughput of airports due to the additional time and resources needed. This presentation will highlight the tools and solutions Vaisala can provide to alleviate and partly automate the tasks of runway condition assessment and reporting, thereby contributing to the optimal air traffic flow overall.