Pressure, Humidity, and Temperature Transmitter PTU300

Please note that the PTU300 series is being discontinued. It is replaced by Indigo family products. Do not specify PTU300 for new projects, instead view Indigo transmitters and probes that are also designed for use in demanding industrial applications.


Unique combination of a meteorological grade barometer combined with humidity and temperature measurement in a single, industrial-grade device.

The instrument also has four different humidity probe options for various measurement needs. Reliable Vaisala HUMICAP® and BAROCAP® sensor technologies make it suitable for demanding meteorology applications and maritime conditions.

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Get PTU300 performance in modern Indigo520 package

Interchangeable smart probes, robust transmitters, and Vaisala Insight software create a strong ecosystem to ensure energy efficiency, safety, and end-product quality in your operations. The modular plug-and-play design makes Indigo family probes and transmitters easy to install, use, and maintain.

PTU307 consisting of INDIGO520 transmitter + HMP7 probe for high humidity and meteorological applications. Explore this and other Vaisala combined pressure, humidity and temperature instruments in the PTU300 series compared to the new, modular Indigo520 series by downloading the comparison sheet.

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Explore Our Probe Options

Vaisala offers probe options to fit various applications including wall mounting; warmed probe for demanding outdoor and meteorology applications; and one for pressure and temperature measurement only.

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