Sounding systems & radiosondes Our systems deliver precise atmospheric data and reliably forecast high impact weather in the harshest conditions. 25 + YEARS DELIVERING AUTOMATIC SOUNDING SYSTEMS 1200 + UPPER AIR SOUNDINGS PERFORMED EACH DAY 1931 YEAR WHEN RADIOSONDES FIRST TESTED BY VAISALA 25 + YEARS DELIVERING AUTOMATIC SOUNDING SYSTEMS 1200 + UPPER AIR SOUNDINGS PERFORMED EACH DAY 1931 YEAR WHEN RADIOSONDES FIRST TESTED BY VAISALA High-quality weather observations under one roof Vaisala’s sounding systems integrate sounding control, data processing, and output in customized formats. Vaisala’s combination of sounding devices and software are used to process, analyze, archive, and relay sounding data — resulting in optimal networking, detection, and monitoring. Other benefits include:Flexibility and future upgradability of both hardware and softwareExcellent telemetry link performance and bandwidth efficiencyOur sounding systems are complemented by Vaisala’s radiosondes using sensors to cover all atmospheric and weather conditions in every climate zone including: pressure, temperature, and relative humidity measurement and wind finding. Vaisala Radiosonde RS41 E-models with BioCover and BioTwine can replace standard RS41 radiosondes in operational use, with the same uncompromising performance and accuracy. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE Products and services Upper Air Radiosondes RS41 and RS41 E-models Vaisala RS41 Upper Air Radiosondes provide world-class data to meteorological institutes and organizations, and are known for their accuracy, reliability, and ruggedness. Learn more Autosonde AS41 The Autosonde AS41 is designed to provide round-the-clock sounding data even in the harshest conditions and most remote locations. Fully automated sounding operations mean there is no need for in-person data collection. Learn more Cirrus Sounding System MW51 Vaisala Cirrus® Sounding System MW51 enables superior data processing and operational performance over a long lifecycle. Supporting the world-class performance of Vaisala RS41 radiosonde family, makes MW51 an excellent choice for both synoptical and research applications. Learn more DigiCORA Sounding System MW41 Vaisala DigiCORA® Sounding System MW41 processes, analyzes, archives, and relays sounding data reliably and consistently. Learn more MARWIN Sounding System MW32 Vaisala MARWIN Sounding System MW32 provides an atmospheric profile of wind, pressure, temperature, and humidity from the surface up to the altitudes used in the ballistic weather computation. The atmospheric profile is useful in fire weather, aviation, CBRN, and naval applications. Learn more NCAR Dropsonde NRD41 This proven weather reconnaissance device captures atmospheric profiles from aircraft flight level to surface, vastly improving weather observations. Learn more Ozone Sounding with Radiosonde RS41 A variety of set-up options make it possible to measure pressure, temperature, humidity, and geopotential height, as well as the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone up to 3 hPa. Get the reliable and accurate ozone measurement you need for synoptic sounding and atmospheric research. Learn more Resources Brochure High accuracy. Proven reliability. In today’s world, weather has far-reaching socio-economic impact. Learn about Vaisala's sounding solutions. Read more Blog VAISALA-MANUFACTURED DROPSONDES GET AN EARLY-SEASON WORKOUT Discover how the US Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters used Vaisala’s sensor technology to investigate an area of disturbed weather near The Bahamas. Learn more Blog AUTOSONDE INSTALLATION IN ANTARCTICA Discover how Korea Polar Research Institute, the operator of Jang Bogo station in Antarctica, uses Vaisala’s Autosonde to measure prevailing conditions in this remote and challenging environment. Read more Blog RADIO SOUNDINGS EVEN FROM THE HARSHEST AND REMOTEST OF LOCATIONS Learn how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology is using Vaisala’s next-generation automatic sounding system. Read more Application note Soundings Application Note WMO has published Final Report of the WMO Upper-Air Instrument Intercomparison 2022. Learn more Blog GROUNDED: THE IMPACT OF A PANDEMIC ON WEATHER OBSERVATIONS Gain insight on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the meteorological observation sector. Learn more Blog More meteorological data from descending radiosondes In recent years, national meteorological institutes have expressed more interest in using the descent phase of operational radiosonde soundings. Once a modern radiosonde starts its descent, it continues measurements and can provide another independent atmospheric profile without additional effort. Read more Infographic The evolution of upper air measurement More than 80 years ago, Professor Vilho Väisälä put the finishing touches on his first commercial radiosonde. Today, most atmospheric soundings around the world are performed with Vaisala sounding equipment. Here is how our first groundbreaking technology has led to the organization we are today. Read more Success stories Soundings Data Helps Fight Bush Fires in Australia SUCCESS STORY: To help New South Wales Rural Fire Service know the hyperlocal weather conditions of a fire in order to provide firefighters with accurate forecasts of how the fire will behave and move, they procured a Vaisala sounding system that can be easily moved around the state, wherever a fire breaks out. Read more Scientific Research on Antarctica SUCCESS STORY: Vaisala’s Autosonde was used by Korea Polar Research Institute, the operator of Jang Bogo station in Antarctica, to measure prevailing conditions in an extremely remote and challenging environment. Read more Radiosonde – The Invention That Made Vaisala SUCCESS STORY: How Vaisala pioneered an industry with radiosondes in the 1930s. Read more Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador SUCCESS STORY: Vaisala is selected as an ambassador to work with NOAA and the National Weather Service in building communities that are ready, responsive and resilient to severe weather events. Read more Automation of upper-air observations for modernization SUCCESS STORY: The Italian Air Force Meteorological Service upgrades their nationwide weather network with automation, remote control and the highest standards. Read more Distinguish the capabilities of our observation systems Understand the important role Vaisala’s sounding systems and radiosondes play in climatology trends and how they work reliably in changing conditions. Whether the focus is convective weather, winter precipitation, or atmospheric pressure, inquire how the reliable accuracy of Vaisala technology can improve your specific forecasting needs. Contact us