Vaisala Sensor Technologies

Technological Success Stories

Vaisala´s Carbocap Sensor technology

Vaisala CARBOCAP® Sensor for Measuring Carbon Dioxide

The CARBOCAP® story began in 1992, when micromechanical sensors were being intensively researched at Vaisala. The groundbreaking idea of miniaturizing the Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) was born, leading to collaborative development work with VTT...
DRYCAP sensor technology

Vaisala DRYCAP® Sensor for Measuring Dew Point

The DRYCAP story began in the mid-1990s following an unresolved measurement challenge. Traditional humidity instruments were not accurate enough at very low humidities, while commonly used aluminum oxide sensors were prone to drift and required frequent...
Vaisala Humicap sensor structure

Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor for Measuring Relative Humidity

Until the early 1970s, hair hygrometers were commonly used in radiosondes. At that time, reliable humidity measurement was an unresolved challenge and to solve this, Vaisala began developing a new type of humidity sensor using semiconductors and thin-film...