Health and safety at Vaisala

Our Occupational Health and Safety management is guided by our Global Quality, Environment, and Health and Safety (QEHS) Policy and our ISO 45001 certified occupational health and safety system. Our goal is zero injuries and occupational diseases. We truly believe we can achieve this goal by proactive approach and continuous improvement. 

Provision of safe and healthy working conditions, methods, and tools is important for us. We assess our occupational health and safety hazards as well as the mitigation of risks systematically in collaboration with our employees and other stakeholders. We utilize the hierarchy of controls in risk mitigation: We aim to eliminate the most significant hazards as far as possible or substitute them with safer procedures where we can. Whatever risks there are left after these procedures, we mitigate by engineering and design, meaning that we isolate employees from the hazard with protective equipment, for instance. If personal protective equipment is provided, it is with no cost to the employee.

Developing safety together with our employees

We have established Health and Safety Committees in our offices around the world, where they drive collaboration between employees and the employer. Employees from all levels of the organization are involved in the development of our health and safety management system. 

Employees and contractors are encouraged to report any health and safety risks in the workplace proactively and make suggestions to improve the safety of working conditions and methods. To prevent injuries, harmful exposure, and the recurrence of incidents, reported deviations and their causes are investigated and corrective measures implemented without delay.

We invest in free health and safety training for all our employees and ensure that people working in risk-prone environments or jobs – such as working at heights, electrical work, and work involving chemicals or gases – have the necessary competence to perform their work safely. Safety training is provided during work hours and is always free to the employees.