Vaisala Forward Scatter Sensor FD70


Forward Scatter Sensor FD70


FD70 is powerful technology that can potentially replace many separate sensors such as your visibility and present weather sensor, rain gauge, disdrometer, and freezing rain sensor. It can also outperform them in delivering highly accurate visibility and precipitation reporting in all weather conditions, as well as unsurpassed detection sensitivity and reliable identification of present weather.

The FD70 is engineered to meet WMO SYNOP reporting guidelines for precipitation and obscuration types. Its sensors excel with fast response times and the highest sensitivity to correctly detect and identify individual droplets. They provide accurate visibility measurement with proven calibration traceability and a range of up to 100 km (62 mi) and are the first sensors on the market that can reliably report a full range of present weather types including freezing precipitation.

Software version in production: v3.7. This new software is available and complimentary to FD70 customers via HelpDesk.

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Watch the webinar

Take an in-depth look at FD70 with our webinar on demand, including:

  • Enhanced reporting capabilities in sand and dust obscuration, as well as freezing rain and drizzle detection
  • Key innovations including single-particle analysis, unprecedented accuracy and reliability, comprehensive measurement and data security
  • How FD70 enhances Auto-METAR reliability and provides the best-in-class Runway Visual Range (RVR) reporting


Watch the webinar
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Get Started with Forward Scatter Sensor FD70

Contact Vaisala to learn how fast response times and superior ability to identify even the smallest precipitation events can drastically improve your present weather reporting and help you make the best decisions — under even the most challenging weather conditions.

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