ASAP Sounding Station

    Accurate, reliable data

    ASAP Station semi-automatically deploys Vaisala’s trusted RS41 radiosondes, receives their data, and converts it into meteorological messages in standard WMO format, TEMP SHIP and BUFR. The radiosondes measure air pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and wind direction/ speed. Wind-finding methods are based on a GPS.

    Rugged, user-friendly design

    ASAP Station is a compact structure that is easy to install, operate, and transfer. It meets or exceeds relevant international construction standards and functions reliably even in the harshest maritime environments. The balloon launcher (Vaisala ALS211) was designed specifically for use at sea and keeps the balloon protected.

    The environmentally controlled user station uses ergonomic, simple controls and enables quick radiosonde deployment.

    Vaisala team collaborating in office

    Get Started with Reliable Upper-Air Weather Observation

    Contact Vaisala to learn why our radiosonde technology leads the industry, and why the ASAP Station could be your ideal meteorology solution.

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