Lightning Detection Networks

    Precision Networks

    Vaisala lightning detection networks are complete end-to-end systems that provide comprehensive, reliable data. Vaisala’s sensors detect both in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning, with processors delivering highly-accurate location, classification, polarity, and amplitude information. The display software lets users see it all through real-time monitoring.

    Airlines, meteorological agencies, and other weather-sensitive industries around the world rely on Vaisala’s lightning technologies to improve forecasts, trigger severe weather warnings, and keep their operations running at peak efficiency.

    More with less

    Vaisala sensors use a combination of magnetic direction finding and time-of-arrival techniques to deliver superior detection efficiency, optimal location accuracy, and system redundancy.

    The technology delivers significantly greater accuracy and requires 70% fewer sensors. This saves users in total cost of ownership, installation, site hosting, and hardware maintenance, and it provides them with a more sustainable solution.

    Accurate & trusted

    Vaisala lightning detection networks capture more of the real-time lightning data required for effective early alerts, lightning reports, and accurate risk modeling, policy planning and incident investigations. With the power of the most accurate lightning detection network, users will know each type of lightning, its intensity and frequency, storm speed and direction, and even when it should clear their location.

    Vaisala lightning detection technology is utilized in more than 45 countries — including by the U.S. National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) for over 25 years — to maximize productivity and keep people safe.

    Standalone or subscription

    With Vaisala, users can choose the detection network option that best suits their weather monitoring needs. Vaisala’s team of engineers and storm monitoring experts can help users design and build their own complete monitoring network that includes sensors, processors, and display software.

    Users can also choose a subscription service option that leverages the Vaisala Global Lightning Detection Network (GLD360), which accurately captures real-time lightning data in even the most remote parts of the world.

    Lightning expertise

    Vaisala lightning networks are built on 80-plus years of experience in weather measurement technology from operational experienced meteorologists, weather technology experts, and PhDs in meteorology and lightning physics. This is why the scientifically-proven Vaisala technology sets and maintains the world standards for lightning detection.

    Explore Vaisala Lightning Detection Networks

    To learn more about ways Vaisala can help you build a lightning detection network to meet your monitoring and operational needs, contact us today. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to help.

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