Vaisala Compass:

    Innovate with confidence

    Vaisala Compass addresses the industry’s most pressing weather-related challenges


    Wind and solar energy strongly depend on the weather, which varies across days, seasons, and years, making it challenging to predict both in the short and long term. In each stage of a renewable energy farm life cycle — from resource assessment to operations — industry players face significant challenges related to weather fluctuation and uncertainty.

    From initial site selection to ongoing operations, Vaisala Compass addresses the industry’s most pressing weather-related challenges:

    • Collecting bankable data in increasingly complex site conditions
    • Accurately evaluating weather data for yield resource assessment
    • Securing project financing, and optimizing farm operations

    With its comprehensive suite of tools for data management, visualization, and collaboration, Compass accelerates the global transition to clean energy by streamlining site prospecting and project development, enhancing resource assessment accuracy, and improving operational efficiency.

    Weather is the fuel and the enabler of renewable energy. As the global expert in weather measurement, Vaisala uniquely contributes to accelerating and securing the development of renewable energy in any terrain and any conditions.

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    You're in control

    Vaisala Compass


    Efficiently and easily manage your fleet of weather instruments on one software platform. Continuously monitor instrument status and health 24/7 from anywhere.

    Remote instrument configuration and run diagnostics ensure your weather measurements are optimized and tailored to your needs. You can quickly investigate problems, get contextual information, and review instrument maintenance history through the logbook.

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    Optimize campaigns

    Compass - Optimize Campaigns


    Explore resources and map, design and monitor measurement campaigns to ensure weather data bankability.

    With included Xweather data, you leverage 40+ years of wind and solar data to make decisions on prospecting suitable sites. Estimate the terrain complexity for your lidar-based measurement campaign and decide on the best location. Then, set the duration of the campaign and monitor its KPI and progress.

    Vaisala historical data is based on decades of satellite imagery, multiple decades of global weather data, and cutting-edge weather simulation technology. The data is solidly supported by science plus hundreds of customers worldwide, from project developers and operators to the financial community and renewable energy consultants.

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    Get full lifecycle value

    Optimize campaigns


    Maximize the weather data value across the full farm lifecycle with Compass.

    You can build robust and reliable weather datasets that include metadata information on the conditions in which they were produced (instrument, firmware, terrain, events and more). Powerful visualizations over different time periods show you all the data collected by various instruments and sensors. Download observation data in different formats adapted to your use.

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    Improve collaboration

    Compass - Improve Collaboration


    Improve collaboration and planning by securely sharing weather data with key stakeholders.

    With Compass, you can gather and share all useful meteorological data in a project repository to integrate weather intelligence into different parts of your workflows. Define your project area to get high-resolution information such as complex terrain, high resolution wind map, and high-resolution icing map.

    Compass brings together all the reference weather data from instruments and other weather data sources in a single project container. Interconnect your weather data with your digital ecosystem thanks to a high-performance API.

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    Ready to harness the full power of weather intelligence?

    Talk to our experts and see how Compass puts you in control of every facet of your weather instruments and data, so you can maximize bankability across the full lifecycle of your renewable energy farm.

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