Vaisala Energy Budget Outlook
How much of last month’s departure from expected production was caused by the weather? What should you expect to happen next month? Next quarter? Vaisala now provides an independent, monthly, assessment of the weather impact on your project portfolio – both wind and solar projects. This information is designed to be used in monthly operating reports to senior management, assist with setting annual energy generation budgets, and help to determine the causes of under or over-performance.
Key Benefits:
3rd party, Independent view to understand and communicate the impact of weather on your project portfolio
Supports integrated portfolios of wind and solar projects
Better decisions with a skillful months-ahead forecast
The service is offered as an affordable subscription. Please contact us to learn more about the Vaisala Xweather Energy Budget Outlook Tool.

Operational Reforecasting
Guides monthly and annual energy budget setting and intra-year updates.The operational reforecast reduces error in future generation estimates that are currently obtained from a blend of pre-construction reports and operational production data.

Seasonal Outlook
A 12-month-ahead outlook forecasts the likelihood of deviations from normal production due to climate signals. The seasonal outlook predicts departures from normal in the weather resource due to expected climate variability and anomalies (caused by earth...

Performance reconciliation
Provides a preliminary allocation of project performance to weather resource and project efficiency. The performance reconciliation serves as a basic system of accounting for energy deviations, by attributing the differences in metered generation into...

Wind anomalies - worldwide
Vaisala's Climate Reference Tool lets you see wind anomalies based on more than 35 years of historical wind data. Register now for free lifetime access!