Taming the wind: Improve maritime operations with remote wind monitoring eBook: What’s your greatest wind challenge? Seaports are often hit hardest by severe weather, and wind is the most dangerous weather factor in port operations. Strong winds pose major safety and efficiency challenges during wind farm construction, installation, and maintenance. Knowledge of true wind conditions is vital for wind-assisted ship propulsion system development, effectiveness, and design optimization. Download this eBook to explore how Vaisala’s future-proof wind lidars can help diverse stakeholders in maritime to improve situational awareness, ensure safety and operational continuity, and help propel the future of cleaner shipping. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here
eBook: What’s your greatest wind challenge? Seaports are often hit hardest by severe weather, and wind is the most dangerous weather factor in port operations. Strong winds pose major safety and efficiency challenges during wind farm construction, installation, and maintenance. Knowledge of true wind conditions is vital for wind-assisted ship propulsion system development, effectiveness, and design optimization. Download this eBook to explore how Vaisala’s future-proof wind lidars can help diverse stakeholders in maritime to improve situational awareness, ensure safety and operational continuity, and help propel the future of cleaner shipping. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here