Weather & environmental intelligence for urban resilience

    Improve Weather Resiliency

    Severe weather affects us all, from wildfires to flash floods and thunderstorms. Cities today are looking to protect local communities from more frequent and extreme weather and environmental events.   Accurate measurements are the foundation of resilience, and the data needs to be accessible to the right people to act. The key is having an environmental plan that is tailored to your city’s unique challenges.  Vaisala’s weather instruments and data services provide accurate, hyperlocal observation data in r


    Severe weather affects us all, from wildfires to flash floods and thunderstorms. Cities today are looking to protect local communities from more frequent and extreme weather and environmental events.

    Accurate measurements are the foundation of resilience, and the data needs to be accessible to the right people to act. The key is having an environmental plan that is tailored to your city’s unique challenges.

    Vaisala’s weather instruments and data services provide accurate, hyperlocal observation data in real time. The information can be used to alert citizens and officials of dangerous conditions, and to localize and enhance the accuracy of weather forecasts.

    Real-Time Actionable Data

    Our advanced weather radars, compact weather sensors, and visibility and present weather sensors are valuable tools for cities aiming to enhance their resilience to weather-related challenges and improve the quality of life for residents. Weather insights help cities defend against sudden, extreme weather hazards such as:

    • Thunderstorms
    • Lightning
    • Heavy rain, hail, snow & urban flooding
    • Extreme temperatures and heat waves
    • High winds

    Better Awareness and Forecasting

    Unlike traditional weather stations, compact sensors can be deployed throughout a city to provide detailed, neighborhood-level data. This granularity helps you identify specific areas that may be more vulnerable to certain weather conditions.

    Highly accurate X-band weather radar, wind lidar, and visibility & present weather detectors offer precise detection of current conditions over a specific area – helping you to understand and address complex weather challenges.

    All of the data can be integrated into weather models to improve forecasting accuracy. Better forecasts enable cities to prepare more effectively for adverse weather, reducing the impact on infrastructure and public safety.

    Work with the Trusted Leader

    As the global leader in weather and environmental measurements, Vaisala empowers businesses and community leaders to build resilience to climate change and extreme weather events. Our nearly 90 years of expertise is grounded in science, innovation and our unwavering commitment to constantly evolving.

    We boldly demonstrate that a culture of resilience and a connection to nature can create new ways of smarter, resilient living. We are champions for smarter, safer and more sustainable urban communities.

    Busy city with people

    Empower your city with weather insights

    Ready to see how Vaisala’s instruments and data can be put to work for you? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.

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