See the air like never before with AQT560 Environmental and Public Health Protection Weather & Environment
Connect communities to the environment for improved health and safety for all The invisible is now visible with a real-time, 360-degree view of air quality. Join our LiveCast as air quality measurement experts introduce Vaisala Air Quality Transmitter AQT560 — providing the accuracy and reliability you need with easy deployment and integration, all in a compact package. What will we cover? Capabilities for helping Environmental Protection Agencies and other air quality monitoring professionals take action to protect public health, avoid pollution hot spots, optimize infrastructures, and plan more confidently and strategically Exceptional detection performance for particulates and gases, plus flexible integration and networking options How AQT560 gives you a higher-resolution picture of air quality conditions with more precise data points to make your measurements more accurate IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED FOR THIS WEBINAR, PLEASE USE THIS LINK. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here