Field-Checking and Maintenance of HVAC Humidity and CO2 Sensors

Field maintenance of HVAC sensors
Buildings and Indoor Air Quality
Industrial Measurements


Senior Product Manager

Webinar speaker: Lars Stormbom

Lars Stormbom
Senior Product Manager

Lars Stormbom works at Vaisala in the Industrial Instruments product area. He holds a MSc in Technical Physics and has an extensive experience in humidity measurements. Lars is the specialist in a wide range of humidity sensors and multiple technology applications.

Maria Uusimaa

Maria Uusimaa

Maria Uusimaa
Director, Industrial Instruments

Maria is the Director of Industrial Instruments in Vaisala’s Industrial Measurements business area. She has over 15 years of experience in Vaisala’s industrial measurement business. She holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Communications Engineering from the Aalto University of Espoo, Finland, and an MBA from HSEEE, Helsinki, Finland.