What kind of a role does humidity play in the production of biogas and biomethane (renewable natural gas)? A concern, a problem, or a necessity? In fact, it can be all three. Join us for an expert webinar of high practical value to all biogas & biomethane/RNG producers. Key takeaways from the webinar: Implications of high humidity levels for biogas generation Controlling humidity in biomethane/RNG production The cost of humidity for the plant operator Strategies for optimizing humidity levels Real-life lessons learned from around the world Hosted by Vaisala's Antti Heikkilä. If you have already attended or registered for this webinar, please click here. Otherwise, please watch the recorded webinar by filling the form. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here
Antti Heikkilä Antti Heikkilä is a Product manager at Vaisala, focusing on multigas infrared instruments and new market areas. He has over 15 years of experience in process and emission monitoring instruments and infrared gas analysis and holds a M.Sc. degree in Physical Chemistry. He is an active member of multiple international standardization workgroups (both ISO and CEN) on air quality and greenhouse gas measurements.