Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium

Frisco, TX
United States
Power Generation and Transmission

TSDOS brings together engineers, suppliers, contractors and consultants from utilities across the nation to collaborate on challenges, trends and innovations in the power and energy industry. Join Vaisala in outdoor booth E2-E4 to enable real-time, online DGA, moisture in oil and dew point trend monitoring for transformers. We’ll be demoing multiple measurement offerings onsite, from the flagship OPT100 for maintenance-free multi-gas DGA to the handheld MMP8 moisture in oil probe paired with the Indigo80 for data visualization.

Want to learn how major utilities are using real-time mobile DGA to extend the reach and effectiveness of maintenance teams, while improving safety and reliability? Head over to the Operation Workshop in Frisco 1 from 3p-5p on September 5th to hear Vaisala Regional Sales Manager Mark Gross present.


The OPT100 – Intelligent by design

What makes the OPT100 truly different from everything else on the market today? No required maintenance or consumables, intuitive setup and operation, built to withstand the toughest climates. Learn more below. What makes the OPT100 truly different from everything else on the market today? No required maintenance or consumables, intuitive setup and operation, built to withstand the toughest climates. Learn more below. 


4 ways to optimize transformer lifespans

From quick fault response to an efficient maintenance strategy, arm yourself with practical and scientific knowledge on how you can protect your high-voltage assets and improve your operations through online DGA monitoring.