Enhancing offshore safety through weather intelligence: A critical step for the wind power industry

Offshore Safety, Maritime
Mikko Nikkanen
Head of Maritime, Weather and Environment
Weather & Environment

As the offshore wind energy industry continues its rapid expansion, ensuring the safety of workers and assets in these remote and often dangerous environments has never been more crucial. The stakes are high, and as safety concerns rise, so does the need for advanced weather intelligence solutions that can help mitigate these risks.

The rising challenge of offshore wind safety

Offshore wind energy has grown significantly, with ambitious renewable energy goals driving new projects worldwide. However, the expansion into harsher and more remote marine environments comes with unique challenges. A recent study has revealed that injury rates in the offshore wind sector are four times higher than in the mature offshore oil and gas industry. Many of these incidents are linked directly to hazardous weather during critical activities such as crew transfers, maintenance operations, and emergency responses.

Unlike oil and gas installations, offshore wind farms face specific weather-related challenges, including high winds, rough seas, and localized storms. The offshore environment makes it difficult to respond quickly to emergencies and increases the risk of accidents. As the industry grows and pushes further into open waters, these risks are expected to rise, emphasizing the importance of advanced meteorological systems for improved decision-making and safety.

Leveraging weather intelligence for safer operations

Offshore Safety


To ensure the safety of offshore wind workers and infrastructure, the sector must adopt more sophisticated weather monitoring and forecasting solutions. Comprehensive weather intelligence is vital for planning and executing operations, from construction and maintenance to personnel transfers and emergency responses. Real-time weather data helps operators anticipate and respond to dangerous conditions, reducing the likelihood of accidents and costly delays.

Vaisala's Offshore Weather Awareness solution provides a high-resolution, hyperlocal weather intelligence that is designed to meet the unique demands of the offshore environment. By integrating advanced weather sensors, data collection tools, and decision-support systems, the solution offers operators a powerful tool to mitigate risks, enhance safety, and boost operational efficiency.

Closing the forecast accuracy gap

One of the key challenges faced by the offshore wind sector is the "forecast accuracy gap." Public weather forecasts are often too broad and not localized enough to predict the microclimates that exist around offshore wind farms. To close this gap, offshore wind operators need access to localized weather data that can be integrated into decision-making processes.

The Vaisala solution uses lidar-based remote wind sensing technology and high-fidelity data to offer continuous, precise measurements of critical atmospheric parameters, including wind speed, wave heights, lightning detection, and thunderstorm tracking. These capabilities allow operators to predict severe weather events well in advance and implement protective measures before threats become imminent.

A real-world example of weather intelligence in action

Offshore Safety


The benefits of advanced weather intelligence for offshore operations are already being realized in projects such as the 480 MW Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm in France. By deploying the Vaisala Maritime Observation System AWS430, the wind farm has been able to maintain high levels of safety and productivity through continuous real-time weather monitoring. Operators receive alerts about potential weather hazards, enabling them to take preventive actions, such as pausing maintenance work or initiating evacuations before severe weather strikes.

Investing in offshore safety

As the offshore wind industry continues to grow, investing in dedicated meteorological systems is essential to safeguard workers and infrastructure. Comprehensive weather intelligence solutions not only enhance safety but also minimize operational disruptions, making it possible to meet ambitious renewable energy goals without compromising safety. The future of offshore wind depends on innovation, not only in energy production but also in ensuring the safety of those who work in these challenging environments. By closing the forecast accuracy gap and leveraging advanced weather technology, the offshore wind sector can protect lives, reduce downtime, and continue its vital contribution to the global energy transition.

Rowell, McMillan & Carroll, Offshore wind H&S: A review and analysis, 2024. Renewable and sustainable energy review.
Offshore wind H&S: A review and analysis - ScienceDirect

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