Annual report 2022

In 2022, we helped our customers to tackle global challenges, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation. During the year, we also received recognition for our sustainability actions. Despite the challenging global market situation, we excelled. Our investments into product development and scalable business support sustainable growth.


net sales


operating result (EBIT)


return on equity (ROE)


earnings per share (EPS)

Ville Voipio and Kai Öistämö

Chair and CEO's greeting 2022

Product and technology leadership, from our own sensor technology to digital solutions, is a key success driver in Vaisala’s strategy.

Highlights of 2022


employees globally


employee engagement


R&D investments


product families

Value creation 2022

Vaisala's value creation model
Value for customers

Value for customers

Vaisala’s technologies and solutions help to safeguard life and property, while enabling decision-making that facilitates productive, efficient, and high-quality operations.

Value for employees

Value for employees

Vaisala offers versatile opportunities for talented and motivated professionals who value work with a purpose and continuous learning.

Value for society and the environment

Value for society and the environment

We bring value to society through accurate and reliable environmental measurements as well as decision-making support for authorities and businesses.

Value for investors

Value for investors

Vaisala's sustainable business offers responsible returns for its investors.


renewable energy


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Index


of purchases (spend) from ESG-rated suppliers


of employees working on ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified sites

UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We have identified the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals for Vaisala. By integrating the goals to our strategy work, we can better assess our impacts on sustainable development and develop new business and sustainable business practices.

Global megatrends

Global megatrends

The global megatrends are transformational shifts that provide both a source for inspiration and opportunities for growth for Vaisala. Together with our customers, we can create solutions to the societal and environmental needs posed by these trends.