DGA Calculator

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Register to access the DGA Calculator

Get free access to all this:

  • Detect and visualize gassing trends 
  • Automatically calculate fault types
  • Immediately create Duval Triangles and Pentagon 2
  • Use either IEC and IEEE standards
  • Export results into easily shareable PDF format
  • Import existing laboratory DGA reports*
  • And much, much more.


Disclaimer: The results given by the DGA calculator do not constitute an expert opinion. Always consult with a power transformer specialist about any decisions regarding your power transformers. 


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Frequently asked questions

What can I use the DGA Calculator for?

The main use is the calculation of fault types and checking if your transformer's DGA results exceed the typical values.

The fault type identification is based on Duval triangles and pentagons, while the typical values come from the standards IEEE C57.104-2019 or IEC 60599:2022. You can choose to use either method, adhering to either standard based on your personal preference and need.

In the Vaisala DGA calculator, these have been visualized to make calculations and viewing the results more intuitive.

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