

スカンジナビアで来場者数が最も多いヴァーサ号博物館には 17 世紀のスウェーデン王国の軍艦が展示されています。この軍艦に最適な環境作りにヴァイサラがどのように貢献しているかをご覧ください。(英語ページ)  



ヴァイサラの HUMICAP® 相対湿度センサーは、ドリフトレートが低く、長期的な計測に適しています。工場において丁寧に校正されたヴァイサラの相対湿度計測機器は、高い計測精度を提供します。これらが組み合わさり、信頼性の高い機能と高度なデータ整合性が実現されます。日本人絵画修復家がヴァイサラのハンディタイプ湿度温度計をどのように使用しているかをご覧ください。(英語ページ) ビルディングオートメーションシステムの構成要素として使用できる、高性能で幅広い HVAC 用途向け製品シリーズは、相対湿度、温度、CO₂ 計測を自由に組み合わせて提供することができます。



Jade Cloud Solution

Jade Smart Cloud

Jade Smart Cloudは、産業向けの計測に安全で信頼性の高いワイヤレスモニタリングを組み合わせ、次世代の機能性と柔軟性をプロフェッショナルに提供します。


Customer case

Creating the right climate

The Vasa is housed in her own specially constructed museum, but despite the continued preservation, the ship is extremely fragile. Therefore, there has always been paid special attention to create a suitable climate, a sort of an air curtain to protect the Vasa ship from surrounding stressful conditions that may cause further damage.

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Vaisala's eBook for Museums, Archives and Libraries

Download Vaisala's eBook for Museums, Archives, and Libraries and explore Vaisala instruments and services offering. You will get instant access to various tools that will help you with your applications needs.

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High quality humidity measurements in the cloud – what can it do for you?

Remotely monitor vital device and sensor data anytime, anywhere - mobile or desktop. Vaisala’s Senior Product Manager Lars Stormbom will reveal the benefits and possibilities available through new cloud-based monitoring.  

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Customer case

In support of great works of art

For paintings to last through posterity, one must pay careful attention to not only the restoration of the works of art, but to the environment in which they are preserved. 

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What museum facility managers need to know to preserve and protect priceless items

Experts discuss the importance of monitoring humidity and temperature in museum environments and how a cloud-based monitoring system can make it easy for museum professionals to monitor and share data.

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Customer case

Keeping temperature and humidity conditions under control at the Jusélius Mausoleum

In 2020, the condition monitoring was changed from traditional thermohygrometers to Vaisala’s viewLinc continuous condition monitoring system. 

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