With BNK (Bedarfsgerechte Nachtkennzeichnung), now is the time to implement visibility sensors for obstruction light application in wind farms as both can be done at the same time. Residents in communities around wind farms are negatively impacted by bright, flashing lights, leaving them with a poor perception of the wind energy industry. Visibility sensors dramatically help reduce this impact by dimming the lights automatically when certain conditions are met. Learn how you can make a valuable difference by installing visibility sensors in conjunction with BNK, even if the lights in the wind farms are dark most of the time You’ll hear from Michael Kalkum, certified wind energy expert and Global Key Account Manager for wind turbine manufacturers at Vaisala, who has decades of experience working with turbine manufacturers. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED FOR THIS WEBINAR, PLEASE USE THIS LINK. See our Privacy Policy for more details. You can modify your preference settings or unsubscribe at any time here