Helideck Monitoring System

    Accurate, Reliable Weather Data

    Helideck Monitoring System


    The unique Vaisala Helideck Monitoring System (HMS) provides all key weather and environmental parameters so you can maintain safe, efficient helideck operations no matter what the weather brings.

    Measurements are based on Vaisala’s world class, reliable sensor technology designed specifically for offshore weather monitoring, including wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, dew point, relative humidity, horizontal visibility, cloud height and coverage, helideck motion as well as integration with repeater lights. Optionally, it can cover real-time lightning data, wave height and direction, ocean current measurements, weather forecast, and remote wind measurement.


    Built-in Regulatory Compliance

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    The Vaisala HMS is fully certified and compliant with current CAP 437 and HCA Standard Helideck Monitoring System Rev 9b requirements. Take advantage of CAA-certified software including Motion Severity Index (MSI) and Wind Severity Index (WSI), warning limits, on-deck relative wind direction with integrated repeater lights and optional lightning detection data.

    The software can also be configured for compliance with international aviation regulations (Normam-27, BSL D 5-1 and NORSOK). Vaisala has CASR Part 91 compliant Aviation Weather Systems available.


    Real-time, Secure and Shareable

    The Vaisala HMS is a turnkey solution with complete power, sensor integration, data collection and storage.

    The Vaisala helideck monitoring system is a turnkey solution with complete power, sensor integration, data collection and storage.

    Keep on-deck personnel safe and ensure optimal landings and takeoffs in the face of changing weather conditions. The user-friendly interface keeps you informed of current conditions with a real-time data display, reporting tools and critical alarms.


    Safe Offshore Operations

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    Get the accurate observation data you need for:

    • Fixed substations or platforms in O&G and offshore wind parks
    • Wind turbine installation vessels (WTIV)
    • Service operation vessels (SOV) and construction support vessels CSV/CSOV)
    • Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) and moveable offshore drilling units (MODU)
    • Commerce, defense and research vessels
    • Offshore loading
    • Subsea operations
    • Supply vessel loading and unloading
    • Crane operations

    News announcement

    Vaisala Helideck Monitoring System now includes the world’s most accurate real-time lightning data. See the official press release.

    helideck monitoring system; helideck monitoring software; helideck monitoring station

    WEBINAR: Striking distance - How weather and lightning data supports safe, efficient offshore helicopter operations

    Join the discussion to learn how to maximize efficient helicopter flights and minimize waiting on weather.

    helideck monitoring system; helideck monitoring software; helideck monitoring station

    eBook: Striking distance

    Discover how real-time lightning detection and alerts integrated with an advanced weather monitoring system provide critical data for optimizing offshore helicopter operations, efficient planning, risk assessment, and protecting life and assets.

    helideck monitoring system; helideck monitoring software; helideck monitoring station


    Vaisala team collaborating and meeting in glass conference room

    Protect Your Most Valuable Offshore Assets Today

    Discover how Vaisala's helideck monitoring systems can protect your personnel and operational efficiency. Stop costly flight interruptions and operational delays with accurate weather, wind, and marine observation data.

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