Lightning can be hazardous at any airport — impacting operations and risking safety. The amount of lightning at airports varies widely, but the need for accurate lightning detection is the same.
In 2021, Vaisala published the Airport Lightning Risk Index which measures the top 75 U.S. airports impacted by lightning from 2015 to 2019.

The results provide important insight into the safety risks to all airports, no matter how many lightning strikes occur.

Fill in the form and read on for the complete index, the impact thunderstorms can have on airport safety and the critical components of a lightning detection system.


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Airplane at the stormy airport

How lightning impacts airport safety

No matter where or what size they are, every airport carries some level of risk from thunderstorms. Lightning is powerful and hot: It’s hotter than the surface of the sun, carrying thousands of times more electricity than household electricity.

Here in the free infographic are the top three ways lightning can impact safety—on the ground and in the airport environment—plus tips on mitigating risk at your airport.