Weather observations for mine tailings monitoring


    Weather conditions significantly influence the stability and containment of mine tailings and mine tailing dams. Understanding how weather affects these tailings is key to managing them effectively and minimizing environmental risks.  

    Accurate weather data is critical in assessing and predicting potential risks, such as heavy rainfall, high wind or extreme temperatures. By integrating weather measurements with other monitoring systems, mining companies can enhance the safety and stability of tailings dams, reducing the risk of catastrophic failures.

    Vaisala, a global leader in weather and environmental monitoring technologies, offers a suite of solutions ideal for tailings facilities. Our advanced weather instruments provide real-time data so you can trust your information and make accurate decisions. 


    Accurate, local weather and hydrological data play a crucial role in effective monitoring and management of mine tailings and tailing dams. Here are the most common environmental measurements and how they help.

    Rainfall: Measuring rainfall is essential to predict and manage the water levels in tailings ponds. Excessive rainfall can lead to overflow or breaches, so accurate rainfall data helps in making timely decisions to prevent such incidents.

    Temperature: Temperature variations can impact the stability of the dam structure. For example, daily temperature changes can cause materials to expand and contract, potentially leading to structural stress over time.

    Wind speed and direction: High winds can cause erosion of the dam surface and affect the distribution of dust and other particulates. Monitoring wind conditions helps in implementing dust control measures and maintaining structural integrity.

    Hydrological data: Measuring water levels and flow within the tailings dam and surrounding environment helps operators to understand the water balance and ensure the dam does not exceed its capacity. 


    Mine tailing sites are often located in remote areas, where general forecasts may not reflect conditions at the site. Local, accurate weather observations are crucial to effective decision making.

    Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 is a comprehensive measurement, communication, and data monitoring solution. Whether used standalone or in a network of stations, this one-stop solution meets today’s needs while enabling unbeatable future-readiness. Optional water and snow level sensors make this all-in-one unit ideal for monitoring mine tailings. Learn more about AWS810


    As the global leader in weather and environmental measurements, Vaisala empowers businesses and community leaders to build resilience to climate change and extreme weather events. Our nearly 90 years of expertise is grounded in science, innovation and our unwavering commitment to constantly evolving.

    We boldly demonstrate that a culture of resilience and a connection to nature can create new ways of smarter, resilient living. We are champions for smarter, safer and more sustainable urban communities.   

    Put weather intelligence to work for you

    Ready to see how Vaisala’s sensing technology can solve mining production and safety challenges? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our industry experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.

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