Wind lidar: New research and commercial use cases

Wind lidar: New research and commercial use cases
Weather & Environment
Wind and Solar Energy 
3 PM Paris, France

Let’s talk about wind lidar from a research & commercial perspective

Wind lidar elevates wind energy operations over the entire project lifecycle. Join our next LiveCast to learn about the latest research and use cases with special guests from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and ForWind - Universität Oldenburg, and gain a new perspective on how it can improve your operations.

What we’ll cover:

  • How WindCube® Scan scanning lidar can be used to support measurement campaigns in the wind farm operations phase
  • New and emerging wind lidar research
  • Use case: Wake studies with WindCube Scan
  • Use case: Using lidar for wind ramp event prediction

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Janna Seifert is a researcher in the Wind Energy Systems group of Prof. Martin Kühn at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. The working group is part of ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research in Oldenburg and has been involved in lidar-based wind energy research since 2010. The group operates several short- and long-range lidars which are used for different purposes such as inflow and wake measurements of wind turbines and wind farms, boundary layer interactions of large offshore wind farms as well as observer-based wind power forecasts. Janna Seifert got involved with lidar measurements during her studies in 2013 and joined ForWind in 2016. She works on lidar-based minute-scale power forecasts and wind ramp forecasts using offshore long-range scanning lidar measurements. She was a member of the now completed WindRamp research project and is involved in the follow-up project WindRamp II, which aims to improve lidar-based minute-scale forecasts for operational use.


Pieter-Jan Daems is a postdoctoral researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering, titled "Automated assessment of wind turbine loading and dynamics using SCADA and vibration data", in 2022. His current research focuses on the use of nacelle and scanning LiDARs to assess wind turbine inflow and wakes. To this end, multiple measurement campaigns have been organised in the Belgian-Dutch offshore zone. The main goal of the scanning LiDAR campaign is to gain better insights into how to calibrate wake models using this data. This will enable more accurate energy yield and lifetime consumption estimates.


Robin Conseil is an expert Solution Manager at Vaisala’s Saclay, France location, where he specializes in WindCube wind lidar applications. Building on his PhD in Applied Physics, Mr Conseil has been involved in trainings and LiDAR integration projects worldwide for the wind industry, air quality as well as aviation weather and aircraft safety.