Conflict minerals

Conflict minerals

Vaisala does not condone infringement of human rights or breaches of labor laws in any part of its supply chain and takes appropriate measures to ensure that the risks of any violations of the company’s Code of Conduct or its Supplier Code of Conduct are minimized in the adjacent supply chain. Moreover, due to the enforcement of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, suppliers to Vaisala must ensure that proper precautions are taken in order not to source any materials that have their origin in conflict areas, including but not limited to the tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or in adjoining countries.

United Nations Global Compact

Vaisala joined the UN Global Compact in 2008 and has committed itself to following the ten guiding principles of the initiative. Consequently, we report on our progress on annual basis. Vaisala is an active member in its local UNGC network, The Global Compact Nordic Network. Engaging in the local network gives us the possibility to influence the network's activities and benchmark our efforts to other companies. Vaisala's Corporate Responsibility report has qualified for the Global Compact Advanced differentiation level since its introduction in 2010. Vaisala is also an active member according to the initiative's definition.

Local network and national cooperation

Vaisala is part of a Global Compact local network, The Nordic Network, which has Global Compact participants from Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The network provides a learning forum for its members, displaying best practices in corporate responsibility as well as in implementing the ten principles. The network convenes twice per year in a member country. Vaisala is also represented in the network’s Steering Group.

In order to benchmark with other industrial companies, Vaisala also takes part in discussions between other Finnish signatory companies. A group of companies meets on a regular basis to exchange best practices with each other and to promote Global Compact for companies that are not yet Global Compact members.

More information about The Nordic Network:

More information about Vaisala's activity and previous reports can be found on Global Compact website.​