Vaisala 2019 net sales


Operating result (EBIT)


Return on equity (ROE)


Earning per share (EPS)


Vaisala annual report 2019 cover image: Observing, stargazing,

Annual report 2019

Stack of documents

Corporate Governance Statement

Raimo Voipio, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Kjell Forsén, President and CEO

Chairman and CEO's message 2019

Creating observations for a better world through science-based and sustainable innovations has always been at the core of Vaisala. In 2019, we continued our work addressing the most pressing environmental and societal challenges of our time.

Highlights of the year 2019

Environmental performance indicators in 2019


emissions from 2014 baseline (Scope 2)


renewable electricity


waste recycling rate (includes reuse, material recycling, and composting)


employees working on ISO 14001 certified sites

Value creation 2019

(Click to enlarge image)

Vaisala Value Creation Model 2019

Value for employees

Value for employees

Solving some of the most difficult challenges of our time, Vaisala offers purposeful work, well-being, and learning for its employees.

Value for investors

Value for investors

Vaisala's sustainable business offers responsible returns for its investors.

Megatrends and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Green city view

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We have identified the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals for Vaisala. By integrating the goals to our strategy work, we can better assess our impacts on sustainable development and develop new business and sustainable business practices.

Aerial view looking down of abstract patterns created by tropical barrier reef in the ocean.

Megatrends supporting our business

The global megatrends are transformational shifts that provide both a source for inspiration and opportunities for growth for Vaisala. Together with our customers, we can create solutions to the societal and environmental needs posed by these trends.