Tech Talk: Vaisala Compass in 30 minutes

Tech Talk: Vaisala Compass in 30 minutes
Weather & Environment
Wind and Solar Energy 
15.00 Paris time

Let’s talk about how to address your most pressing weather-related challenges.

Weather is the fuel, the enabler, and even the disabler of renewable energy. Today, Vaisala Compass puts you in control of comprehensive data management, visualization, and collaboration tools so you can innovate with confidence. Get a quick overview of this powerful cloud-based weather intelligence platform at our next Tech Talk.

What will we cover?

  • The effects of weather fluctuation and uncertainty in each stage of a renewable energy farm life cycle — from resource assessment to operations.
  • How Compass helps you meet crucial weather-related challenges, such as collecting bankable data in increasingly complex site conditions, accurately evaluating weather data for yield resource assessment, securing project financing and optimizing farm operations.

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