Organization and management
Management structure
The General Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the President and CEO, assisted by the Leadership Team, are responsible for the governance of the Vaisala Corporation.
The Board of Directors’ duties and responsibilities include the approval and confirmation of strategic guidelines and principles of risk management, ratification of annual budgets and plans, decisions on corporate structure, major acquisitions and investments and the appointment of the Chairman of the Board and the President & CEO.
The Chair of the Board and the President & CEO are responsible for ensuring that the plans and goals set by the Board of Directors are carried out within the Vaisala organization. In addition, the President & CEO is responsible for the operative leadership within the scope of the strategic and operative plans, budgets and action plans approved by the Board of Directors. The President presents issues concerning the operations and is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Board.
Vaisala Leadership Team supports the President & CEO in executing the corporate strategy. It follows business developments, initiates actions and defines operative principles and methods in accordance with guidelines handed down by the Board of Directors and by the President & CEO.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the administration and the proper organization of the operations of the company. The Board acts in accordance with the Articles of Association and the applicable legislation as well as the instructions and recommendations of the Financial Supervisory Authority and Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. In accordance with the Articles of Association, Vaisala Corporation's Board of Directors comprises at least four and maximum eight members. The Annual General Meeting elects all Board members.
The Board of Directors elects a Chair and a Vice Chair from among its members. Under the Articles of Association, the term of the Board members is three years. The term begins at the close of the General Meeting in which the member is elected and ends at the close of the third subsequent Annual General Meeting following the member’s election.
Leadership Team
The President and CEO is the Chair of Vaisala’s Leadership Team. The Leadership Team has ten members and it convenes once a month to execute Vaisala's strategy and take care of the Company's operative management.