Sonda multigases MGP261 para metano, dióxido de carbono e umidade para controle inteligente da qualidade do biogás Obtenha mais valor dos resíduos aprimorando a tomada de decisões e reduzindo os custos operacionais. A sonda multigases Vaisala CARBOCAP® MGP261 para metano, dióxido de carbono e umidade ajuda a aprimorar seu processo e a proteger o motor CHP (geração combinada de calor e eletricidade). A sonda MGP261 possui tamanho compacto, certificação Ex e pode ser instalada diretamente na linha de gás sem a necessidade de tratamento de amostras. A sonda de medição é adequada para aplicações como a digestão anaeróbica de aterros sanitários, resíduos industriais e municipais, tratamento de efluentes, monitoramento de motores CHP e monitoramento de filtros de carvão ativado. Fale conosco Planilha de dados Get the eGuide Principais benefícios Obtenha mais valor dos resíduos Aumente os lucros otimizando o processo: compacta, a sonda MGP261 pode medir simultaneamente todos os três principais componentes do biogás — CH4, CO2, e H2O — para fornecer a você o panorama completo da qualidade do biogás. Mantenha os custos de operação sob controle Reduza o tempo de manutenção e inatividade do motor CHP por meio de um controle de umidade confiável. Instalação in situ Medições com certificação Ex precisas e confiáveis diretamente na tubulação do processo; fácil de instalar e compatível com qualquer sistema. Sonda multigás MGP261 para metano, dióxido de carbono e umidade X Sonda multigás MGP261 para metano, dióxido de carbono e umidade X MGP261 em tubo X MGP261 mesa X Documentação do produto Planilha de dados Manuais Mais downloads Caso de usuário: Centro de Tratamento de Resíduos Ämmässuo dá as boas-vindas à eficiente medição de biogás da Vaisala (118.18 KB) Recursos de produto Press release Vaisala recognized in the global Quality Innovation Award competition The groundbreaking Vaisala MGP261 biogas instrument has been awarded as Prize Winner in the category of Circular economy and carbon neutrality innovations of the global Quality Innovation Awards competition. Learn more Customer Case Decarbonization technology proven at Waste-to-Energy plant Danish researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to remove most of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from the emissions of a waste incinerator, and by demonstrating the viability of the process, the researchers believe that they have developed a key technology in the fight against climate change. Learn more Blog Humidity measurement plays a critical role in profitable biogas production For biogas producers, keeping the process stable while making sure that combined heat and power (CHP) engines and active carbon filters work smoothly is just one of the challenges they have to face. In-line humidity measurement can help answer these challenges – and make biogas production more profitable. Learn more Blog Increase biogas revenues with accurate methane volume calculation Making biogas production profitable as quickly as possible is typically one of the most important factors when starting up or developing a biogas plant. In order to achieve the required efficiency level it is critical that your methane measurements are not wrong due to incorrect compensation. Read more Customer case Ämmässuo Waste Treatment Center welcomes carefree biogas measurement from Vaisala Ämmässuo Waste Treatment Centre in Espoo HSY arranges the disposal of municipal waste and landfill processing, as well as the treatment of biowaste for producing biogas and compost. Ämmässuo is the largest waste treatment center in Finland, and among the largest waste treatment centers in Europe. Learn more Customer case Forward to the future — Making biogas production more valuable together with JFE Environment Technology at Miura To drive large-scale adoption of biogas as an energy source, its cost must be brought closer to that of conventional energy. That cannot be achieved without improving the efficiency of biogas plants and optimizing their use of heating and electricity. Learn more Webinar How to make biogas production more profitable An expert panel discussing the ways and the technology towards success - Vaisala’s Antti Heikkilä interviews two other biogas experts. Learn more Webinar Turn on your bio-engine – increasing the profitability of your biogas process Watch this on-demand webinar anytime to learn new methods to optimize the process between anaerobic digestion and the combined heat and power engine. Learn more Blog Installing a biogas measurement instrument in an explosive atmosphere Installing any electrical device in a hazardous location with an explosion risk requires special precautions and procedures – and installing an in situ measurement device into a gas pipeline presents its own specific risks and requirements. Learn more Serviços Calibração padrão Serviço de reparação
Caso de usuário: Centro de Tratamento de Resíduos Ämmässuo dá as boas-vindas à eficiente medição de biogás da Vaisala (118.18 KB)